Year 3 home learning Monday 8.2.21

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 11:04am

Good morning Year 3! We hope you have had a lovely weekend and are ready to learn lots in the final week of the half term. Here are your learning activities for today:

Maths- it is Monday which means it is Mental Maths day! Complete the questions with your family, remembering to write down any important numbers you hear as the questions are read out.

English- we are going to be learning about Non-Chronological reports this week. Read the report about sharks and see if you can answer the questions. All the answers can be found in the report!

Science- continuing with our work about Humans and other animals, we are going to be focusing on skeletons again today and thinking about how they allow us to move in different ways.

Keep working on your timetables rockstars- Mr Worthington has set up a new battle for this week, the final one of the half term!

Have a great day! Mrs McAlynn, Mrs Bale and Mrs McGunigall :)

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