Yr1 Percy the Park Keeper

Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 3:29pm

Year One have been exploring the book ''After the Storm” by Nick Butterworth. Over the last few sessions, we have looked at the park and what you might find there. We discussed the damage the wind in the story may have caused and the children acted out the jobs that Percy would have to complete in order to restore the park.

We discussed how the animals might have felt after their homes had been destroyed and made a list of emotion words to include within our writing back in class.

We also looked at the main character- Percy. We used nouns and adjectives to describe what he looked like and what his personality was like.

Each group had to label an image of Percy. Firstly, they wrote nouns like; hat, coat, boots, wellies etc. The children then added adjectives such as flat (cap/hat), thick (jacket), warm (coat), smelly (wellies). We also played the game “What am I? An adjective or noun?” to reinforce the ideas that we had been looking at.

As part of our non-fiction topic, we looked at some facts about hedgehogs and where they get their name from.

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