Our blogs

Y2 Come and Share- Thursday 6th October, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 11:25pm

In Year 2, we were extremely lucky to have recruited some parent (and grand parent!) helpers for our 'Come and Share' pottery making. We had a lovely morning making plates, bowls and pots in the style of the Della Robbia collection- originally founded in a pottery factory in Birkenhead. Everyone worked so hard and the results were amazing! We can't wait to paint our masterpieces. Thank you so much to everyone who came to support the children, it was lovely to welcome you all to our classrooms. 

Art in Year 4, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Oct 2022 @ 12:52pm

Year 4 loved using different techniques using acrylic paints.

We looked at techniques such as: brush drawing, dabbing, double loading, dry brushing and scratching.

Bakery in F2, by Mrs Harris

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 9:27pm

Baking and Cookery in F2 ??


The children enjoyed making crispy cakes today. They used their listening skills to follow the instructions to create some delicious smelling treats!

PSHE- Values, money and me, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 11:53pm

In Year 2 we have been exploring objects in our own life. Last week, the children (and teachers!) brought in an object from home, such as a photo or toy that held a sentimental value. We talked about how the emotional value attached to these objects was much more important than what the item costs. The children responded very well and must have remembered what they had learned as they wouldn't even sell their objects to their teachers for £100! Their favourite sentence of the day was, 'It's too precious to me'. Well done Year 2! 

Residential - Y6 / Y5 September 2022, by Mrs Harris

Date: 26th Sep 2022 @ 1:42pm

Arrived safe and well ???

Year 4 - Nutrition Workshop, by Mrs Harris

Date: 25th Sep 2022 @ 6:02pm

We had fun learning about our most important muscle in the body - our heart and how to keep it healthy.

We played games to help us understand what happens if we eat too much sugar and we compared sugar content in different foods.

A Fun First Week in F2!!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 6:27pm

F2K had a fun filled first full week in school! 

The children have loved exploring the environment and joining in with lots of different activities in the classroom and outside. They have all settled in so well and made lots of new friendships! We are so excited for the year ahead! Well done F2K!

F2- Visit to Church, by Miss Kealey

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 5:27pm

F2 loved visiting our Church this afternoon. We met Fr Michael and had a walk around the church building and discussed the different things we could see. We ended our visit by performing our ‘Everyone is Special’. We cannot wait for our next visit! Thank you Fr Michael

Year 4 Maths, by Mrs Harris

Date: 14th Sep 2022 @ 8:24pm

Year 4

We have had fun representing numbers using our understanding of place value ?

KS1 Art Club ? ??, by Mrs Harris

Date: 14th Sep 2022 @ 8:20pm

A glimpse of a day in F2, by Mrs Harris

Date: 14th Sep 2022 @ 8:11pm


A wonderful day in F2, look at our very proud faces ? 

We drew what we were constructing. We then chose the building tools we would need and built our creations. We were able to talk together about what we liked about each piece and we have decided to build a bridge next week over our water tray ????

Year 2 'End of Infants' Summer Fun Day!, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 20th Jul 2022 @ 1:27am

Year 2 had the best day yesterday! We spent the first part of the morning making dens, building towers, chalk writing, bubble blowing, water painting, game playing and much, much more! We then went inside to play some games and relax in the shade. After lunch, the children had the chance to 'splat' a teacher with a water balloon! They looked far too excited for this part! We then had a mindfulness afternoon with a cooling foot spa! We finished off the day with an ice cream parlour! What a fantastic way to end the best year!

Year 1 - DT Sundaes!, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 19th Jul 2022 @ 11:22am

In DT Year 1 have designed and created their own healthy ice cream sundaes! They chose their own toppings and then ate their creations! Perfect on such a warm day!

Manley Mere - Year 6 - July 2022, by Mrs Harris

Date: 17th Jul 2022 @ 4:02pm

Manley Mere - Year 6 


Year 6 had a fantastic day at Manley Mere! All the children got involved and challenged themselves, they should be proud! All the staff and children had a fun packed day. 


A great experience to end the year!!! ?????

'We are One' Tournament, by Mrs Harris

Date: 17th Jul 2022 @ 4:00pm

Wow! What a great two days we have had at Tranmere Rovers participating in Wirral Deen Centre's 'We Are One' tournaments! 

Our Year 6 girls came 2nd overall. Our Year 4/5 mixed team came 1st!!!


A massive well done to all children involved, it was great to see their positive attitude, teamwork and respect for others shine through!

A Queen's Reign - Let's Celebrate!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 17th Jul 2022 @ 3:20pm

Y1 Trip to New Brighton, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 2:49pm

Year 1 had a wonderful trip to New Brighton! We were very lucky to go inside Fort Perch Rock and learn some history about the Fort. We then went to The Tower Grounds and saw where New Brighton Tower used to be and where the Black Pearl used to be, we made amazing sketches of what it used to look like! Then we went down the prom and into Vale Park, where we had a lovely lunch on the grass before exploring the fairy gardens and going on a fairy hunt.

Thanks to all the amazing staff and parent helpers for your hard work today, and to the amazing children for being so well behaved.

Year 5 Activity Day 2022, by Mrs Harris

Date: 13th Jul 2022 @ 10:49pm

Inspiration | Year 5 pupils visiting the thought-provoking Knife Angel at Birkenhead Park - 'An experience to remember'


Fun in the park on the way back to school too!! 

#cricket #birkenheadpark

Seed dispersal in Science, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 11:54pm

In Science, we have been learning about seeds. We looked at how seeds are dispersed from some plants. In groups, we filled balloons with seeds, We then blew them up, tied them carefully and took them outside to our planters. We then popped each balloon to show the seed dispersal process! It was lots of fun, and with a bit of luck we could have some lovely flowers growing in our planters over the Summer.

Sketching Stained Glass Windows at Our Lady's Church, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 11:49pm

Today, Year 2 visited Our Lady's church to look closely at the stained glass windows. We discovered that there are different types of stained glass window- modern and traditional. We also learnt the names for the different shapes of stained glass windows- rose, lancet and quatrefoil. After walking around, disovering all the windows of the church, we chose our favourite window to draw in our Art sketchbooks. We hope to paint them in our next art lesson. Thank you to Father Michael for welcoming us this afternoon.

F2 , by Miss Kealey

Date: 8th Jul 2022 @ 6:10pm

During the Summer Term, F2 have been learning all about the ocean - from under the sea to the seashore! They have learnt some interesting facts about sea creatures, their homes and how to keep safe at the seaside.

We ended our topic by turning our playground into our very own beach! The children thoroughly enjoyed spending the afternoon all together as a year group joining in with all the different seaside activities.

We made sandcastles, relaxed in deck chairs, played beach volley ball, made out own lifeguard station/huts, build light houses and paddled in the ‘sea’ whilst our 4 super lifeguards (also known as the F2 team) watched over us to make sure we were having fun and staying safe.

We ended our afternoon by sharing our favourite parts of the topic whilst enjoying an ice -cream and keeping cool in the shade.

What a brilliant afternoon to add to our fantastic year in F2!

Year 1 Measuring, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 8th Jul 2022 @ 8:24am

Year 1 had a fun time yesterday using a metre ruler to measure larger things in our classroom. We learnt all about centimetres and how many are in a metre! We estimated the length and height of objects and then had a go at measuring them ourselves!

Year 3 and 4 Cricket Festival, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Jul 2022 @ 9:36pm

Years 3 and 4 Cricket Festival ? 


Year 3 and 4s had a great day at the Merseyside School Games Cricket ? Festival last week! 

We learnt the art of batting, fielding and bowling which we then put into lots of different games! 

The children were a credit to the school and we can't wait to play the games again during our cricket club!

F1 - People Who Help Us, by Mrs Harris

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 9:27pm

F1 - Mrs McLaren's class (3 year old room)

This week and last week in F1 we have been thinking about different people who help us ?

We had the pleasure of meeting the Police ? ?‍???‍??and we loved trying on their uniform and getting inside their van ?

F2W Baking, by Miss Ward

Date: 25th Jun 2022 @ 8:20am

The children made delicious Rocky Road cakes today. They listened carefully to instructions and followed the method well. They looked and smelt amazing! 

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