Our blogs

Time For a Story - Day 3, by Mrs Parry

Date: 5th Apr 2020 @ 6:20pm

Hey Everyone,

So it is Palm Sunday and it seems strange that I am not at church, waving palms and singing Hosanna!

Instead I am recording this story for you and I really hope that you enjoy it. Today's story is called Miss Spick the librarian and there is an unexpected visitor while I am trying to read!!!!

Thank you all for your messages to the staff at Our Lady's - we all love to hear that you are safe and well and it means so much to know that all these cringeworthy videos we are posting are worth it!

So, until tomorrow, keep smiling, keep safe and keep looking for rainbows!!

Love Mrs P.XX


Time For A Story Day 2, by Mrs Parry

Date: 4th Apr 2020 @ 5:01pm

Hello Guys,

Here is the second installment of The World's Worst Teachers by the wonderful David Walliams. This story is about Mr & Mrs Lovey-Dovey which certainly sounds cringeworthy but made me giggle. This one also includes a fleeting appearance by my naughty cat - just for you Year 6! I have loved reading all your messages on the school FB and it is amazing to hear you are all keeping well.

Until tomorrow - Stay safe, stay happy and stay smiling. See you soon.

Love from Mrs Parry XX

Time for a Story?????, by Mrs Parry

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 6:38pm

Hello everyone

Now I know how much you have all enjoyed story time this year. Unfortunately we are not able to read Harry Potter yet but I am working on that......so for now we have permission from the great David Walliams to read some of his books. Hope this one makes you laugh.

Be safe and look after yourselves until I see you again. X

Year One Weekly Tasks Week 2, by Mrs Carroll

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 2:55pm

Year One Weekly Tasks: Week  2

  • People often celebrate Easter by eating chocolate, buns or cakes. Try making a sweet treat to share with your family! Can you follow the instructions in the recipe?
  • Egg starts with the letter e. Write a list of things that start with the letter e. Now can you make a list of words that have these e sounds in them? ee, ea, e-e, ey, y.
  • At Easter time lots of flowers start growing. When you go out for a walk see how many different plants you can see growing. Do you know the names of any?
  • Try making a model basket to hold some Easter treats!
  • Use this Easter Egg template to design your own egg. Decorate it with flowers, chicks or bunnies


  • Over the Easter weekend why not create your own Easter Garden with your family, while you think about what happened to Jesus at this time. Look online for ideas to get you started.

                 It Started With A Flowerpot And Some Twigs. But When I Finished ...                      25 Best Easter Quotes - Inspiring Easter Sayings for the 2020 Holiday                   Happy Easter! | inotternews.com


Year 4 Home Learning Week 1, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 2:42pm

Hey Year 4,

Hope you're all well, staying at home and keeping safe! We've got some fun weekly tasks for you to do at home. So check out the tasks and video below!

Your challenge is to carry out your very own Viking raid In Your House!

Plan which room you are going to raid and starting from your bedroom create a map of your house and write the directions for how to get from your room to the target destination i.e. the kitchen.

Make the equipment you will need to take with you: a Viking helmet, shield and axe.

Time how long it takes for you to get there and back and convert this between minutes and seconds.

Finally, write either a Newspaper report about your raid or a story in the style of a Norse Myth.

We'd love to see what you make! Please post them to our Twitter @OurLadyandStEdw and our Faceook!

Some useful links to help you with your task:













All the best,
Mr Chamberlain and Mr Worthington

Year 5 Home learning challenges week 1, by Miss Welsh

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 1:51pm

Hello Year Five,


We hope you and your families are all well.  We miss you all and we hope you are continuing your learning adventures at home.  We hope you’re reading lots of lovely stories and enjoying using your home learning packs whenever you can.  You have all learned so much this year, take this time to show everyone at home just how much you know. 

Enjoy playing games and making new things with your families.  Have lots of fun and spend some time each day thinking about what has made you laugh.

We can’t wait to see you all back at school, but until then we’ll keep in touch. Don’t forget to share any work you create on the school twitter or Facebook page.


The year 5 team x

Year 6 Home Learning Week 1, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 10:56am

Pre-School Video Week 1, by Miss Mclaren

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 3:15pm

F2 Weekly Update - Week 1 Video, by Miss Dunlop

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 2:55pm

Pre-School Tasks, by Miss Mclaren

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 2:03pm

Hi Pre-School,

Here are a few more tasks for you to do this week.

This month is National Pet Month, so we thought you might like to:

- Draw a picture of your pet or a pet you would like to own and write the initial sound for your pet next to it.

- Make a pet house using old boxes and decorate it to make it cosy for your pet.

-Create a pictogram for your families favourite pet. 

We hope you are all taking care of yourselves and washing your hands for 20 seconds at a time.

Share your work with the schools twitter account. 

Take care.

F1 Team x

F2 - Home Learning Activities Week 1, by Miss Ward

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 2:01pm

Hi Everyone, 

This week we would like you read the story 'My Granny Went to Market' (Here is a link to a video of the book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P61tyqTntpI). Here are some activties that are linked to the story that we would like you to have a go at:  

  1. Write a list of what you would pack to go on a magic carpet ride. 
  2. Design your own magic carpet with a repeating pattern.
  3. Find out what a passport is and make your own. 
  4. Make a colourful mask.

Each week we would like you to practise writing writing your full name, the letters of the alphabet and numbers to 20. 

We would love for you to share your work with schools twitter page or Facebook Page! Have fun and remember to keep washing your hands!

Miss Ward and Miss Dunlop  





Year 3 Home Learning Update 1, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 1:34pm

Hello Year 3!

We hope you are all well and have enjoyed using your home learning packs over the past few weeks with your families. Here are a few more activities to keep you busy and learning while you are away from school.

Our text for the Summer Term is The Gruffalo- a story we all know very well! Can you complete the following activities based on the story?

  1. Create your own mythical character (like the Gruffalo) and draw a labelled diagram. Will your character have terrible tusks? Will it have orange horns?
  2. When you have created your character write a detailed description, trying to include adjectives, similes and alliteration.
  3. Can you use materials from your learning pack or around the house (with permission) to create a model or puppet of your character?

The Gruffalo Character Description WAGOLL

We would love to see any of the work you create shared on our school twitter or facebook page!

Daily Tasks

  • Keep practising your joined handwriting each day, trying to keep your small letters regular, your ascenders tall and your descenders long.
  • This week we would like you to all practise your 3 times table daily. Use the songs and activities on the BBC website to help you with this.


We hope you are being extra good at home for your family and helping out in any way that you can! We will be in touch soon!

Take care, Mr Woodland and Mrs McAlynn


Year 6 Home Learning Challenge Week 1 , by Miss Houghton

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 2:34pm

Hi everyone, 

Hope you are all keeping safe and staying at home. 

We have put together some challenges for you to try at home while we are not in school. We have attached a PowerPoint with some website links and instructions. 

We would really love if you could share your completed challenges on our school twitter. 

Hopefully see you all soon and don't forget to keep washing your hands!! 

From All the Year 6 Team 

Staff Talents......., by Mrs Harris

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 5:32pm

A bit of light relief in these challenging times, there will be more.........we're hoping Mrs McGunigall will get involved soon 😂😂😂

Year Two Weekly Update, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 2:19pm

Year One Weekly Update, by Mrs Carroll

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 10:29am

Hi, Everyone!

This is a message from all of your teachers, just to see how you are getting on. It must seem very strange at the moment when you can't come to school and you can't go out to all the places you like to visit. But you are lucky to be spending time with your family and we hope you are staying well and remembering to do some work each day!

Here are some ideas to keep you busy this week!

  • Read the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (if you don't have a copy of the book you can listen to it on YouTube)
  • Practise reciting the days of the week and know which day comes before and after any given day
  • Write a list of everything the caterpillar ate. Can you use some adjectives to describe them?
  • Create your own butterfly using paints, crayons or collage. Put it in your window, with your rainbows, to make people smile as they walk past! Remember to tweet a picture of it! 
  • This website has lots of good ideas to help you:
  • https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/butterfly-crafts-for-kids-4129196
  • Have a go at these lego challenges and let us know how you get on!
  • https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/lego-challenge-cards-11217327stained glass butterfly craft


The Wright Brother's Plane Activity, by Miss Flynn

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 4:52pm

What do you remember about the Wright Brothers?

Why not share any key facts that you remember with your family - I am sure they will be impressed!

You could make a poster to advertise the first flight!?

Then, using an old wooden peg and some lolly sticks, why not create your own model plane!

Miss Flynn cool

Giant Snakes and Ladders Game, by Miss Flynn

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 4:36pm

Why not get the whole family involved in a giant game of 'Snakes and Ladders'!?

Try writing the numbers in digits and in words- take care with your spelling!!!

Don't forget to tweet your game and tell us who won!

Miss Flynn laugh

Dinosaur Landscape Task, by Miss Flynn

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 4:28pm

Like dinosaurs?

Why not line up your toy dinosaurs and create a 'Jurassic Landscape'- you could then google facts about each of the dinosaurs and add your facts to your masterpiece!

Don't forget to add colour to make it look even better!

Miss Flynn yes

Elmer the Elephant Task, by Miss Flynn

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 4:02pm

Hi Year 2! 

I hope you're all well and keeping busy at home!

Here is a fun task for you to complete at home!

Why not read one of your favourite Elmer the Elephant stories and then create your very own Elmer using an old milk carton and tissue paper?! You will need some glue too - don't forget to check your packs that were sent home from school you should have some in there! (See pictures below!)

Don't forget to tweet or tag our school Facebook page with your finished masterpieces!

Good Luck!

Miss Flynn laugh

Still Smiling, by Mrs Parry

Date: 19th Mar 2020 @ 11:50am

With smiles on our faces, the Year 6 are spending the day writing to the elderly residents of some of our local nursing homes. We know that many of our older generation are having to self isolate and we hate the idea of them feeling alone at this time.

We hope they know we are thinking of them.

Weekly Attendance Winners 13.03.20, by Mrs Walker

Date: 13th Mar 2020 @ 3:42pm

Congratulations to our attendance winners


Weekly Prize Winner – Isla-Rae Parker


Weekly Prize Winner – Levi Woodward


The class with the best attendance this week was ...... Y1JC, well done to all the children in Mrs Carrol's class. 


Well done to all of our 100% attendance children who received a raffle ticket for this weeks draw.

Will you get a raffle ticket next time? You have to be 'IN' it to win it!

F2LW - Church Farm, by Miss Ward

Date: 12th Mar 2020 @ 8:31am

F2LW had a wonderful time at Church Farm yesterday!

We were introduced to the Farmers and we saw lots of different animals such as, pigs, goats, geese, meerkats and emu's. We went on an exciting tractor ride to go and feed some ponies, alpacas and donkeys. We then went to the Hen House and collected lots of eggs followed by holding some rabbits and guinea pigs. We learnt so much about the farm and are excited to continue our learning in the upcoming weeks. 

Church Farm Trip!, by Miss Dunlop

Date: 11th Mar 2020 @ 10:12pm

What a fantastic day we have had at Church Farm today! 

We have fed horses, ponies, alpacas, stroked geese and hens, saw goats, a baby cow, sheep and pigs, collected eggs, held rabbits and guinea pigs, had a tractor ride around the farm and lots more! We have learnt so much and can't wait to continue our learning about the farm over the next 2 weeks! 

Chess Champions, by Mrs Parry

Date: 11th Mar 2020 @ 7:42pm

Year 6 continue to enjoy their weekly chess lessons! All the students are making exceptional progress and the concentration is exemplary......just look at how seriously they take each challenge.

The pupils are now running workshops for parents every Wednesday at 3pm. They love sharing their knowledge with anyone who wishes to learn to play or who simply fancies taking them on. If you are a novice or a champion yourself and would like to come in and join in the fun please sign up on ParentPay.

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