Our blogs

Home Learning Videos , by Our Lady & St Edward's Catholic Primary School

Date: 16th Apr 2020 @ 4:03pm

Hi everyone, 

We're not able to do our usual blogs until Saturday so for now you can still access all of our Home Learning videos on our school YouTube channel School's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdNg0U6SFcZqMcl9PAkzusw/videos  


Year 5 Home Learning Challenges Week 3, by Mrs Bale

Date: 13th Apr 2020 @ 2:26pm

Create a Time Capsule

Why not create a time capsule that you can look back on with your family and friends in 10-20 years time. I’m sure they’ll be a few laughs, as well as some ‘wow, do you remember when’ moments to share!

Things you can include

  • Photographs of your house, bedroom, garden, street, family
  • Write a letter to your future self, tell yourself about what is happening in the world at the moment
  • Include today’s newspaper/front page of the newspaper
  • Trace around your hand on a blank page and date it
  • Draw yourself or use a photograph and write your name, age, height, friends, favourite things, hobbies, hopes and dreams etc.

Making your time capsule

  • Gather all you want to include and assemble your time capsule.
  • If burying outside chose a material that won’t degrade e.g. air tight plastic or stainless steel box. If keeping inside use a shoe box or cardboard box.
  • Label your box with your name and a date when the box can be opened.
  • Now hide it away, and try not peek in it until the chosen date/year!

We would love to see your finished time capsules so please upload any photographs to the school Twitter or Facebook page.


Keep up those chess skills!

We have been so impressed with the chess skills we have seen from year 5 this year!

Can you create your own board and pieces and challenge (or teach) a family member?

Why not create a ‘beginners guide to chess’ booklet to teach your family how to play.

You could create a board using cardboard, cereal boxes or paper and you could create the pieces by drawing them on to paper, cutting them out of felt of fabric, using stones or why not get messy and have a go at making them out of salt dough (recipe linked here - https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/how-make-salt-dough-recipe).

To make your chess set unique, you could design your own pieces using inspired by the work we have been doing about Ancient Greece. Perhaps the knights could be Pegasus, the rooks could be columns and the pawns could be warriors.

Don’t forget to take some photographs and upload your games to the school Twitter or Facebook page.

Good luck!


Greek Island Hopping

It might be a while before we can think about travelling the world, but we can dream!

We’d like you to create an enticing brochure about travelling to Greece.

Firstly, think about how best to present your work, have a look at the images below for some inspiration, will you create a series of posters, a leaflet or a booklet?

Next, plan your trip:

  • Chose 3 or 4 places to focus on starting with Athens and then moving to a few of the Greek Islands.

Information to include:

  • Map of destination
  • How to get there (is there more than one option?)
  • How much it will cost
  • Best landmarks to visit
  • Food and drinks to enjoy
  • Drawings or images
  • Interesting facts about the place

As some of you may know, Greece is Mrs Bale’s favourite holiday destination, so she can’t wait to see the photographs of your finished brochures!


Keep fit and happy like Stavros Flatley!

Sticking with the Greek theme, watch this iconic and hilarious video of Stavros Flatley performing on Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=-_ou2tKKA3U.

Can you recreate the routine or come up with one of your own?

If you’re feeling brave, ask a family member to record you and upload it to our Twitter or Facebook page to keep us all smiling!



Pre-School Tasks week 3, by Miss Mclaren

Date: 13th Apr 2020 @ 1:24pm

Hi Pre-School

Hope you had a very HOPPY Easter and enjoyed the sunshine.

We have got some more tasks for you to complete this week.

We are going to be learning all about the Circus so.....

Task 1- Can you find out what a circus is and what happens at the circus including all the different circus performers. Maybe you could  google them to see what they look like and how they perform?

Task 2- Maths task

            Can you create a tight rope walk on the floor using chalk, your mums dressing gown tie or belt, count how many steps you can do whilst keeping your balance. Good luck!

Task 3 Literacy task

         Can you match the initial sounds to the different circus acts, repeating the sounds and learning the new circus vocabulary?

trapeze artist



stilt walker


Task 4- Can you make a circus tent den and create your own circus act, maybe you could be a clown or a juggler or a trapeze artist?

Enjoy your week with your family. We can't wait to see all your tasks, send any pictures of your tasks in to the school website. We would love to see your best clown costumes. 

If you have any plastic bottles, please keep them for some of your tasks next week. 

Time For A Story - Day 10, by Mrs Parry

Date: 12th Apr 2020 @ 8:41pm

Happy Easter Everyone!

So sorry this is so late today.......I was distracted by the chocolate eggs this evening.

I hope that you have all had a lovely Easter and I am sending love from my family to all of yours at this holy time.

I hope that you enjoy the story - it is the last one of the book - by tomorrow I promise I will have found another book to read together.

Until then....stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs P X

Time For A Story - Day 9, by Mrs Parry

Date: 11th Apr 2020 @ 5:36pm

Dear All

Happy Easter Saturday to everyone! It is a strange kind of Easter isn't it? But I do hope that you have found a safe way to enjoy a little of the sunshine and you are being creative with your time - if you are stuck for ideas of things to do make sure that you check out your year group blogs by your teachers. They all miss you terribly and send their love this easter time.

Today's story is about a revolting dinner lady - fortunately I have only ever met wonderful people who cook and serve our school dinners so this was not an easy one for me to relate too! Please enjoy and watch out for my cat Nelly who clearly does not enjoy my Nasty dinner lady voice. Wait until you see what she does!!!

Until tomorrow - Stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs P X

Time For A Story - Day 8, by Mrs Parry

Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 5:51pm

Hey Everyone,

Happy Good Friday to you all! I hope that you are all safe and well and enjoying the sunshine in a responsible way. My hands are still sore from last night's #clapforcarers - I really hope that some of you went to your doorsteps and joined in.

Now today's story is all about The Incredible Bulk - a PE teacher who talks a good talk, does very little sport but wears the most fabulous tracksuits. Enjoy........this one is really funny.

Stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs P X

Power Point of year 6 challenges, by Mrs Parry

Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 1:30pm

Hi Year 6

Hopefully you will have watched this week's edition of Happy News - If not what have you been doing????

On it we are suggesting a range of fun challenges for you to undertake during, what would be, your Easter holiday. Please do your best to try them out and if you have any photos you want to share then post them on the school twitter, Facebook or send by email. Miss Houghton and I are looking forward to seeing you all with dusters in your hands or pushing mops around a kitchen.

Stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs Parry and Miss Houghton. X

Year 3 Home Challenges Week 2, by Mr Woodland

Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 12:52pm

Hello Year 3!


We hope you have had a good week and are looking forward to spending the Easter weekend with your family. This week we have got some Easter themed activities to keep you busy during your home learning time!

  • Think about the people who live in your street- is there anyone who is elderly or lives on their own? Make them an Easter card and post it through their door to brighten their day!
  • Use items from the garden or outdoor space to create an Easter garden, using the ideas on our twitter page as inspiration- we would love to see photos of what you have made!
  • Create a storyboard/comic strip telling the Easter story.
  • Make a freeze-frame from the Easter story using lego or any of your favourite figures- can you write speech/thought bubbles for each character?
  • Ask an adult to help you hard boil some eggs to decorate with paints and pens.
  • Use your weaving skills from our art lessons to create a spring nest for the garden.
  • Weigh the Easter eggs in your house and order them by weight.
  • This week we would like you to all practise your 4 times table daily. Use the songs and activities on the BBC website to help you with this.


This is a very different Easter weekend than what we are used to…but we hope that you enjoy spending time with your family and sharing in the joy of Easter Sunday together.

Take care, Mr Woodland and Mrs McAlynn


Year 6 Home Challenges Week 2, by Mr Woodland

Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 11:58am

Year 5 Home Learning Challenges Week 2, by Miss Welsh

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 6:46pm

Hello Year Five,


We hope you are enjoying your learning at home and staying safe.

Its challenge time and this week the Olympics are here! We would like you to hold your own mini Olympics at home, think about what different events can all your family be involved with, what team will you be? Can you make a team banner? What about the prize?

Keep reading lovely stories with your family, practicing your times tables and keeping smiling, having fun with your family.

Don’t forget to share any work you create on the school twitter or Facebook page. Have a fantastic Easter and stay safe.


The year 5 team x








Time For A Story - Day 7, by Mrs Parry

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 4:52pm

Hi there guys!

Thank you so much for tuning in again to listen to another of Mr Walliams' stories. This one is pretty dramatic but nowhere near as gruesome as some of the others! This is a story about Miss Palaver, the dramatic drama teacher and believe me, she is quite a diva!!

Once again, thanks for all your messages and 'Shout Outs'. Your teachers are really finding comfort in knowing that you are all safe and well.

I hope that you enjoy the story and, until tomorrow, stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs P X

Year 4 Home Learning Week 2, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 3:04pm

Hey Year 4!

Hope you're all well! Check out the video below to see some new tasks for this week! 

Stay safe!
Mr Chamberlain 


Year 2 Home Learning Week 2, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 3:03pm

Time Capsule, by Miss Flynn

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 11:08am

Hi Everyone,

As this is a strange time for us all, it will be useful to make a note for how your feeling, what you're doing and how you're family adapting.We have attached a booklet that you can complete to keep as a time stamp of everything that is going on right now. 

See you soon, keep safe,

Miss wise laugh

Fairy Garden, by Miss Flynn

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 11:01am

With beautiful weather on the way, why not create an Easter or Spring themed fairy garden in an old pot!

Don't forget to tweet or email your pictures or your creations!

Floating Forest, by Miss Flynn

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 10:50am

Why not try and make your own floating forest?

Save the tops of your veg from this Sunday's roast, place in a tray with water and watch the magic happen!

Add any toy animal figurines and you've got your very own floating forest! (Takes 2 -3 weeks to fully grow?)

Flower Pressing, by Miss Flynn

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 10:49am

Has anyone noticed how beautiful the Spring flowers are looking?

Why not have a go at pressing some and saving them to make decorations or stick on the front of home made greetings cards?

Don't forget to tweet us your pressed flowers!

Miss Wise laugh

Hand Animals, by Miss Flynn

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 10:37am

Why not teach your family how to draw amazing animals using your hands as a template?!

Ask an adult to show you the following tutorial on Facebook and don't forget to tweet or email us your masterpieces!



Easter Pine Cone Decorations, by Miss Flynn

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 10:31am

How are you all finding your one hour of exercise a day? On your next walk, why not keep your eye out for some pine cones and once back at home have a go at creating these cute Easter decorations!! Don't forget to tweet  @OurLadyStEdwY2 or email a picture!

Miss Wise laugh

Time For A Story - Day 6, by Mrs Parry

Date: 8th Apr 2020 @ 6:27pm

Dear Heroes

How are you all? I have had a lovely day in the sunshine but my family are sharing a sense of cabin fever......it is hard being without your friends isn't it?

I have been in school today and it is really strange without you all there - but I promise we are all just hoping you are well and safe and looking after each other. Today's story is one of my favourites and is all about Miss Seethe who is a deputy head.... desperate to get rid of the 99 year old head teacher so she can take over. It really made me giggle.

Thank you so much for listening to the stories and for sending in your shout outs - that makes it all worth it.

So, until tomorrow, stay safe, stay smiling and stay patient.

Love from Mrs Parry X

Year One Weekly Tasks: Week 3, by Mrs Carney

Date: 8th Apr 2020 @ 3:05pm

Hi Children,


We hope you enjoyed our story!  We would like you to think of a different ending to the story and write it down with a picture.  We can't wait to read some of your ideas. 


Use your knowledge of shapes and counting to 10 to complete this outdoor Maths Trail.  Or maybe have a go at a shape hunt in your house.  Try to record how many of each shape you can find.


Outdoor Maths Trail Cards

EGGciting Challenge!

Before you throw away all the empty Easter egg boxes we want to challenge you to think of another use for those empty boxes and shiny paper.  Lets see who is able to think of the most creative or unusual ideas!  Ask your grown-up to share photos of your ideas/creations.  We are already excited because we know Year 1 always have amazing ideas and are fantastic at making stuff.

Have lots of fun with this weeks challenges!

Time For A Story - Day 5, by Mrs Parry

Date: 7th Apr 2020 @ 3:48pm

Welcome back anyone who is still enjoing the stories!

I will apologise in advance for the lack of shout outs today - I was mad busy and only just managed to get this story recorded in time. I will make sure that everyone who has sent messages gets bigger SHOUT OUTs tomorrow.

Today's story was a challenge to read in more than one way. It is (as David Walliams himsef describes) a Horror Story and it almost had me cry. It is full of snot, earwax and noxious gas emissions.........listen only if you dare!

Until next time - stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs P. x

F2 - Weekly Update - Week 2 Video, by Miss Ward

Date: 7th Apr 2020 @ 1:38pm

F2 - Home Learning Activities Week 2, by Miss Ward

Date: 7th Apr 2020 @ 1:08pm

Hi Children, 

We hope you are all okay and have enjoyed completing some of the 'My Granny Went to Market' activties last week. We have loved seeing all of the work and pictures you have sent in to the school's Facebook and Twitter pages. As we know you have liked the book so much we have thought of more activties linked to the story for you to complete. 

  1. Draw a picture of where you would go to on a magic carpet ride. 
  2. Ask a grown up to make a list of items around your house. Go on a scavenger hunt and find them.
  3. Draw and label foods that you might eat on your magic carpet ride.
  4. Write and draw a list of quantities and objects in your house e.g. 2 apples, 4 socks. 

Remember to keep practising writing your full name, the letters of the alphabet,  numbers to 20 and to share your work with schools Twitter page or Facebook Page! We love seeing the work you have done and your smiley faces!

Have fun and remember to keep washing your hands!

Miss Ward and Miss Dunlop

Time For A Story - Day 4, by Mrs Parry

Date: 6th Apr 2020 @ 5:24pm

Hello Everyone,

Happy Monday to you all! Here is Day 4 of our reading - Miss Conceit the Human Work of Art - a story about a very conceited and un-humblish teacher! Obviously all these stories are totally made up by the great David Walliams but my own daughter suggested this teacher reminded her of me!!!! I am not sure what she means.

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it and I hope that you are all safe and well this evening. Please keep posting your messages to your teachers - they really are making us all smile and reassuring us that you are all OK.

Until tomorrow, keep safe, keep smiling and keep washing your hands.

Love from Mrs P. X


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