Our blogs

Year One Challenges Week 5, by Mrs Carroll

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 11:32am

Year One Challenge Tasks Week 5

Write  a letter to Rapunzel telling her about all the things she is missing while she is trapped in her tower. Tell her about the places you like to visit (when we are allowed out!) and the things you like to do with your family and friends.

Ask a grown-up to show you how to set out a letter, with your address and date at the top and starting with ‘Dear Rapunzel’

When we send a letter to someone we have to  write their address on the envelope. Do you know your address? If not, try to learn it. Find out the addresses of other members of your family too!

When you go out for your daily exercise , have a look at the number on your front door and then look at the number on the house next door. What do you notice? House numbers don’t go up in 1’s, they go in 2’s. Practise counting in 2’s. Start from 2 and see how far you can count. Try this game…it is against the clock so you need to be quick!


You can also practice counting  in 2’s from 1 (1,3,5) and in 10’s (forwards from 10 and then back from 100 to 0). If you want to try something harder, try counting in 5’s too! Remember that a Hundred Square will help you if you get stuck.


sorting materials experimentScience: Materials:

Gather together some of your toys and see if you can name the material each one is made from.

Look around the house and garden and see how many things you can find that are made from metal, wood, plastic, fabric, paper, glass. Draw some of them and think about why they are made from these materials. Why is your table not made from paper? Why is the window made from glass?

Ask a grown up to put some objects into a bag or a box and without peeping put your hand in and see if you can guess what each object is. How does it feel? What is it made from?

Watch this video clip and have a go at making your very own Rapunzel bookmark. You only need some card, wool or string, pens or crayons and glue. Don’t forget to send us a photo!



Year 5 Home Learning Challenges Week 5, by Mrs Bale

Date: 2nd May 2020 @ 10:29pm

Hi Year 5,

Hope you're well and keeping safe. 

We're still missing you lots and hope we can be together again very soon!

Here is another challenge from us that we hope you enjoy completing. 

Take care,

The Year 5 team xx


Home Learning Week 5, by Miss Houghton

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 5:39pm

Hi Year 6, 

We hope you are all keeping well and staying safe with your families in these very strange times! 

Myself and Mrs Parry have thought of some more challenges to keep you busy over the next week. One of your challenges is a really important one as it is the time of year when we need to start thinking about you leaving us to go to your new High Schools. All the information has been included in a word document for you. 

Thank you for all the pictures of work and activities you have been doing at home. We really do love seeing all your pictures and knowing how you all are so keep them coming! Sorry we don't get to reply to them all but don't worry we do recieve them all. 

Keep Safe and Keep Smiling Year 6! 

Hopefully we will see you all soon. 

Love from 

Miss Houghton & Mrs Parry XX 

Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 5, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 2:50pm

Hello Year 3!

We hope you are well and keeping yourselves safe and happy! Thank you to the children who have sent letters into school- we would love to receive some more and will reply to all the letters that we get!

Next week is the 75th anniversary of VE day and so all our activities this week are based around this important day.

Task 1:

Watch the following clip on the BBC website about VE day:


We would like you to create a poster explaining what happened on this day and why it was so important.

Task 2:

We want you to think back on our DT work on shelters. Can you find out what an Anderson shelter was and what it was used for during the War? We would like you to build your own shelter, thinking about what you would need to survive and be safe. This could be a model using lego etc, a shelter build with objects in your house or a shelter build outside in the garden. We would love to see photos of your shelters!

Task 3:

Design and make a commemorative medal for the veterans who fought during WW2, like Corporal Tom Moore who celebrated his 100th birthday this week. What do you think would be important to incorporate into your medal?

Remember to share your activities with us on our school twitter and facebook page. Join us on our school youtube channel to keep in touch with you teachers and be inspired with different challenges to take on!

Take care everyone, Mrs McAlynn and Mr Woodland

Year 2 Home Learning Week 5, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 3:01pm

F2 Home Learning - Week 5, by Miss Dunlop

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 10:56am

Hi Children,

We hope you have all had a lovely week! Please find the video attached of the story ‘Detective Dog’ and here are some activities for you to complete based on the story!

  1. Go around your house and see if you can find something beginning with each of the letters in the word ‘detective’.
  2. Follow the youtube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8PSTGY8E58 to draw a dog or you can draw one of your own. Don’t forget to colour it in and give it a name!
  3. Write out your numbers 1-10 and cut out some spots to put on your dog. Select a number at random and carefully count out that amount of spots to put on your dog! 
  4.  What is your favourite book? Can you write what your favourite book is and why!


Have fun and stay safe,
F2 Team x

Pre-School Tasks Week 5, by Miss Mclaren

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 1:29pm

Hi pre-school,

Hope you are all having lots of fun taking part in the activities we are setting you.

We have seen some fantastic photographs of your work so far, so please keep sending these in. We love to see how you are getting on.

This week we are setting you some very exciting tasks. We would like you to create your own fairy garden in your house.

Task 1: Google fairy gardens and look at the pictures for some ideas.

Task 2: Draw and design your fairy garden, maybe you could create a fairy door and a place for your fairies to sit?

Task 3: Using the recipe below, make some salt dough and start to make your fairy garden, using your design help you. Bake this in the oven and you can then decorate using whatever materials you have. This could be paint, felt tips etc. 

Task 4: Can you create some signs for your fairy garden using numbers and letters, 

examples of this could be:  making a number for your fairy door, 

                                            making a sign post saying "my fairy garden"


We can't wait to see the photographs of your fairy garden that you can send to the school facebook page or email and we look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Take care of each other. 

F1 Team xxx

Salt dough recipe

1 cup plain flour

1/2 cup salt

1/2 cup of water

Mix and make your fairy garden shapes.

preheat the oven to its lowest setting

Place dough shapes on grease proof paper.

Bake in the oven on a low heat for about 3 hours, until it is hard.

The alternative is to leave it to air dry which takes a few days.

Leave to cool before you decorate.

Have fun xxx

Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 4, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 3:39pm

Hello Year 3!

We hope you have had a good week at home with your family, enjoying the beautiful weather we have had! Here are some more learning activities to keep you busy in the coming week.

Task 1:

We would like you to practise your letter writing skills this week. We all miss you lots and would love to hear what you have been up to while you have been away from school. Please send your letters to Mr Woodland or Mrs McAlynn- we will reply to any letters that we receive!

We have attached an example to remind you how to set your letter out correctly.

Send your letters to…

Our Lady and St Edward’s Catholic Primary School

Price Street



CH41 8DU

Task 2:

Have you played countdown before? We would like you to have a go with your family this week!

Letters: how many words can you make using the letters below? What is the longest word you

           can create?

                                               A   E   I   S   T   R   H   N

Numbers: your target is 382- can you work out how to get there using the numbers below? You can use any mathematical operations you like!

                                                  25   50   2   6   9   7 

Conundrum: NYCCEGIRL

                 (clue- a way you can help the planet!)

Task 3:

Practise your 5 x tables using the BBC sport videos. Don’t forget to join in with the dance moves to keep yourself active!


Remember to share your activities with us on our school twitter and facebook page. Join us on our school youtube channel to keep in touch with you teachers and be inspired with different challenges to take on!

Take care everyone, Mrs McAlynn and Mr Woodland

Home Learning Week 4, by Miss Houghton

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 2:01pm

Hi Year 6, 

Hope you are all keeping well and have been outside enjoying all this lovely weather. 

We have thought of some more activities to keep you busy over the next week. We have attached a PowerPoint with all the information on and don't forget to watch the blog!! 

Try and have a go at some of the challenges we have given you and don't forget to ask your parents to send some pictures in to our school Facebook/Twitter. 

We hope you and your families are all keeping safe and we can't wait to see you all very soon. 

Love from Miss Houghton & Mrs Parry xx

Story time with Mrs McAlynn part 4, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:10am

Hi everyone- hope you've had a lovely day! So...yesterday we found out Granny's secret! What's going to happen next? Tune in to find out! 

Take care, Mrs McAlynn

Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 3, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:02am

Hello Year 3!

We hope you had a lovely Easter and that the Easter Bunny came to visit you all! Here are a few more activities to keep you busy this week.

  1. Have you heard of Captain Tom Moore? He is a 99 year old former soldier who is raising money for the NHS. It is his 100th birthday next week and we would like you to create a picture, card or letter to send to him. They can be sent to:

Captain Tom Moore

C/O Post Office Limited

67 Bedford Road

Marston Moretaine

MK43 0LA

Bedfordshire, England

  1. Make a musical instrument using items in your house, for example, cups, bottles, rice, pebbles, and use it on Thursday night during the ‘Clap for Carers’.
  2. We want you to get yourselves moving this week by learning the ‘Cha cha slide’- can

We would love to see any of the work you create shared on our school twitter or facebook page!

Keep smiling and being good for everyone at home! We miss you all and look forward to being together again soon.

Take care, Mr Woodland and Mrs McAlynn

Year 2 Home Learning Week 4, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 2:42pm

Year 4 Home Learning Week 4, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 2:20pm

Hey Year 4!

Hope you're all keeping well and safe! This week we'd like you to create your own art using recycled materials! Research some art by Angelika Heckhausen, she uses recycled materials to create marine pictures! Can you make something like this?

We'd also like you to research the biggest ports of the world and where they are located! Using the world map, can you label the biggest ports, what they're called and where they are?


Next task! Research John Laird! He's an important part of Wirral's history, but who is he? Why is he so important? What did he do? Research all about him and find out who he is!

Finally, read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, we'll give you the whole week to do this and next week some of the tasks might be about the book! So get reading and enjoy! (I recommend the movies too!) Here's a link to an audio version of the book if you'd like to listen and read along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coGg0LMFKSE&list=PLWTjE1sfkImAjTOkVWd8H0dPtraPgC2lt

Have a great week and see you soon!
Mr. C smiley



F2- Home Learning Activities and Video - Week 4, by Miss Ward

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 12:39pm

Hi F2, 

We hope you’re all well and enjoying the lovely sunshine. We have got some more activities for you to complete this week based on one of our favourite books 'The Gruffalo'. 

  1. Go outside and have a look around, what animals can you hear or see? Can you draw them and label what animal it is?

  2. In the book there are lots of rhyming words. Can you think of a rhyming string of your own? e.g. cat, mat, sat, hat.

  3. Can you design your own Gruffalo? 

  4. Can you make different footprints that belong to different animals. Can you measure them? Which one is the longest?

  5. Use a computer or device and go on the website www.gruffalo.com .Can you play some of the games on there or do some of the other activities linked to the Gruffalo.

Remember to keep practising writing your full name, the letters of the alphabet, numbers to 20 and reading your tricky words and sounds.

Keep sharing your work with schools Twitter page or Facebook Page! We love seeing the work you have done and your smiley faces!

Have fun and stay safe!

The F2 Team 

Story time with Mrs McAlynn part 3, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 6:47pm

Happy Wednesday everyone! Here is the next installment of Gangsta Granny for you- Granny's secret is finally about to be revealed!! Hope you are enjoying listening- let me know if your child would like a hello tomorrow! 
Take care children, we all miss you lots 

Story time with Mrs McAlynn part 2, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 6:39pm

Hi everyone- hope you've had a lovely day in the sunshine! Part 2 of Gangsta Granny! I hope you are enjoying listening- let me know if you would like a shout out! Take care, Mrs M x

Year One Weekly Tasks: Week 4, by Mrs Carney

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 2:09pm

Hello Children,

We hope you are all well and having lots of fun!


Watch our Rapunzel story again or perhaps find a different version to remind yourselves of the story.  

Activity 1:  In the story Rapunzel's father takes lettuce from the witch's house.  Lettuce grows in the ground so look at other plants or vegetables that grow in the ground,  Watch the videos below and find out what seeds need to grow into plants.  


See if you can grow something at home.  Look at how it changes over time.  Use a diary to keep track of the changes it goes through.  


Activity 2:  Role play

Think about the different characters in the story of Rapunzel and have a go at practicing then performing the story to your family members.  You could select some of your toys to play the characters and have a go at changing your voice for the different characters.  Or perhaps you could ask some of the other people in your house to be different characters.  Experiment with different costumes or props to really get into your performance!  

Make sure you video your story to enjoy watching later!


Activity 3:  Maths - Measureing

Rapunzel's hair was very long - Human's hair grows 15cm in a year, this is about the size of a small ruler. Find things around the house that are longer/shorter than 15cm. Use a ruler or a tape measure to precisely measure.  Remember to start from 0. Find out the name of the unit bigger than cm and how many cms it is equal to. Draw some things you would measure using this bigger unit. 


has an amusing video. (Mr Pumpernickel) 

Activity 4:

'There was a princess long ago' video clip.


Try to learn the words and actions and maybe get your family to join in!


You could also create a tower for Rapunzel, using construction or a tube (see picture)







Foundation Stage 1 Weekly Tasks: Week 4, by Miss McNamee

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 2:09pm


Hi Pre-School

We hope you’re all well and enjoying the lovely sunshine. We have got some more tasks for you to complete this week. We have started learning about the Circus.

Task 1- Literacy task

Can you make some signs for your roleplay Circus? You could use your mark making skills to write ‘jugglers this way’ or ‘elephants here’ - make sure you tell an adult what your signs say.

Task 2 – Maths task

Can you make entrance tickets for your circus? You can use your literacy skills by writing words or your maths skills by putting a price on the tickets. Maybe you could use coins as part of your roleplay to help with your counting and number recognition.


DIY circus tent- fortune teller booth? | Tent, Backyard canopy ...

Task 3- Physical development

 Can you balance or spin a plastic plate like a circus performer? You could use the plastic bottles that Miss McLaren asked you to keep to play a bowling game too. Use your maths skills to count how long you can balance the plate for or how many bottles you’re able to knock down.

Spinning the Physics - How Plate Spinning Works | HowStuffWorks


Task 4 – Understanding the world

Could you watch the greatest showman with your family? This will give you an understanding of what a circus is and the different performers.  

I would love to see some pictures or videos of you performing to the songs from the film.  


Enjoy your week with your family. We can't wait to see all your tasks, please do send any pictures of your tasks to the schools website or facebook page.


See you soon,

Miss McNamee

Year 5 Home Learning Challenges Week 4, by Mrs Bale

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 2:40pm

Hi Year 5, 

We hope you're all well and enjoying the sunshine!
We're missing you all and so hope that we can all be together again soon. In the meantime, here are a few more challenges to keep you busy over the next week! 

Take care!

Year 5 Team


Year 2 Home Learning Week 3, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 10:19am

Story time with Mrs McAlynn part 1, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 9:19pm

Hi children!

I hope you are all well and working hard on your home learning activities! As you all enjoyed Mrs Parry's story time so much, I am taking a turn this week and will be reading Gansta Granny by David Walliams each night this week on our school YouTube channel. Links will be posted for you on our school website, Facebook and Twitter.

I hope you enjoy the story and please get in touch if you would like a special shout out!

Take care and remember...be safe, be positive and be kind. Mrs M x


Year 4 Home Learning Week 3, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 18th Apr 2020 @ 12:54pm

Hey Year 4!

Hope you're all keeping safe at home and are enjoying the tasks we're leaving! Please let us know how you're getting on by asking your parents to message the school's Facebook! 

Check out Mr Worthington's video below to see this week's tasks, and download the PowerPoint to find out more information on them!

See you soon!
Mr C smiley

Year 6 Week 3 Challanges, by Mrs Parry

Date: 17th Apr 2020 @ 7:47pm

Dear Year 6

Hope that you are all safe and well and managing to enjoy the sunshine.

Here is your weekly Happy news update - looking at some of the happy news around at the moment and celebrating the moments of joy in our country today.

Please try and do some of the challanges and keep those awesome brains ticking over. We miss you all terribly and cannot wait to see you all again really soon.

With love from

Mrs Parry & Miss Houghton XXXX

F2- Home Learning Activities Week 3, by Miss Ward

Date: 17th Apr 2020 @ 5:39pm

Hi Children,

We hope that you have had a lovely Easter! Miss Dunlop and I are so impressed from the work that was sent in last week of the different activities that you completed. This week we have a few more activities that you can do at home with your families.

  1. Why do Christians celebrate Easter? What happened on Good Friday that was sad? What happened on Easter Sunday that was happy?
  2. Design an Easter egg! What chocolate would be inside? What would the wrapper look like? What would the box look like? Does it come with a toy?
  3. Make a clock! Recap o’clock times on the clock that you make; Find out what times you do certain things e.g. get up, lunch time; Play a family game of ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’
  4. What flowers and plants grow in Spring? Can you draw and label some flowers that grow in Spring? Find out what flowers need to be able to grow?

Remember to keep practising writing your full name, the letters of the alphabet, numbers to 20 and reading your tricky words and sounds.

Keep sharing your work with schools Twitter page or Facebook Page! We love seeing the work you have done and your smiley faces!

Have fun and remember to keep washing your hands!

Miss Ward and Miss Dunlop

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