Year 2: Blog items

Beegu!, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 10:53am

The mystery is solved! The bits and bobs we found on our playground last week were part of a spaceship crash! We have had a visit from a friendly alien called 'Beegu'. She looks like she wants to make friends with us.

World Book Day 2022, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 10:09pm

Year 2 have had an amazing day today! The costumes were fabulous and we have spent the day dedicated to books and reading. The children have designed book covers, written about their own book characters, cracked book related codes in Maths and explored an inspiring book called 'We're all Wonders'. 

Mysterious sightings!, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 1st Mar 2022 @ 4:37pm

Something peculiar has emerged in our infant playground this afternoon! What or who could it be? What has happened? Watch this space to find out...

Girls Football Camp, by Miss Flynn

Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 1:45pm

The LFC Foundation will be holding a GIRLS ONLY football camp at Woodchurch Leisure centre on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd February.


It will run from 10am – 3pm at £15 per child, per day.


 The days will consist of high quality football sessions, fun games and small sided games delivered by highly qualified LFC coaches.


Link for booking on to the camp is here


If you require any further information please get int ouch with [email protected]


English, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 5:25pm

Today, in English, we have been learning how to write lists. We had to choose whether we wanted to visit Africa or the Antarctic and then write a list of items to pack for our trip. We will be using commas to separate these items in sentences and then we will be using our lists to create 'list poems' later on in the week. I think Mr Ball and Miss Welsh have got a little bit confused with this task! 

Mocktails!, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 5:11pm

Year 2 have been learning all about capacity and volume. We have been learning to read measurements in millilitres and litres. Last week, We concluded out topic by making mocktails. We filled a litre jug, using only 3 different juices. The challenge was to make sure each of the measures were different and had to add up to 1000ml/ 1 litre! We only had measuring cylinders that measured up to 200ml, so the groups had to work out how many they would need to fill to make up their chosen volume. It was tricky, but we got to enjoy our cocktails afterwards! It was worth the hard work! 

Sign Language Club - Year 2, by Mrs Harris

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 7:02pm

It's Year 2's turn today. Another fabulous rendition of the 'Rainbow' song in sign language. Well done Year 2!

Sign Language Club, by Mrs Harris

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 5:53pm

Year 1 and 2 have had a very successful first week in Sign Language club. We have been learning the finger spelling alphabet so we can say ‘hello’ to all our friends and teachers in school! The children took an alphabet home so they can learn their family names too! See if you can spot our super signers, in and around school, they’re very keen to say ‘hello’ in sign language! ?  

Paper planes, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 11:26am

We made our own paper planes in Design Technology today. We looked at what all paper planes have in common, and used our knowledge from our work on aerodynamics to discuss what good planes all have. We then explored different thicknesses of card and paper. We made predictions on which material would work best to make a plane with, based on what we already know about those materials. The paper group thought the paper would be best because it was the lightest, the card group said the card would be the strongest, the coloured paper group (medium thickness of paper) said theirs would be the smoothest and finally the origami paper group predicted that theirs would be the best because their paper squares were the smallest. We followed instructions to make the planes and then flew them to test. The planes that flew the furthest were made out of card or medium thickness paper!

Year 2 Weather Forecasters, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 11:04am

We have been looking at different weather patterns and climates in Geography. The children became weather forecasters, reporting on the different weather patterns in the polar region, the tropical region and the desert (arid region).

Science- Materials, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 10:55am

We made an investigation to see which materials are the most durable. The children used mini sanding blocks to rub different squares of material. We made the test fair by rubbing each material only 10 times...we tried really hard to not get too carried away! Some of the materials had the pattern rub away and some materials got holes in them! The most durable materials were fleece and denim.

European Sandwiches, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 10:18am

Last half term, we were looking at sandwiches from around the world. We then focussed on different European sandwich fillings. The children tasted and evaluated different meats and cheeses from around Europe. They then looked at what makes a healthy, balanced meal plate and had a practise in school at making a healthy sandwich. The children then designed a sandwich, taking care to choose a meat/ cheese filling that they liked and adding 2 healthy salad items. We concluded our last DT project by having a European afternoon tea! 

Up, up and away continued, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 9:47am

We continued our Design Technology project by looking at how aeroplanes fly and how important wings are. By blowing on strips of paper, we realised that fast air blown over the top of the paper makes the strip go up (not down as we expected!). This helps to explain how the wings work on an aeroplane; with the air moving faster over the top than the bottom, lift is created. We experimented with 2 different paper planes to see which would fly the best. One plane had some air blocking 'flaps' at the top. After a lot of fun, we discovered that the planes with the flaps did not fly very well because the fast air was being blocked from moving over the wing. One of the children recognised that the flaps on a real aeroplane help to slow it down when it lands! We are fast becoming experts on aerodynamics!

Up, up and away!, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 9:46am

Year 2 have had a great time in our DT lessons over the last couple of weeks. We have been learning all about aerodynamics. We started by looking at how hot air balloons fly. In groups, we made our own hot air balloons using different plastic bags. The children chose their own materials and had different ways of joining them together. We had so much fun trying to get some of them to fly! Some of them were too heavy, some had holes in them and one of the groups forgot to leave an opening for the hot air to be put in! But we learned a lot from our mistakes.

KS1 Nativity - Wednesday, 8 December 2021, by Mrs Harris

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 10:12am

Elf Day, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 11:42pm

Check out our cheeky little elves from last Friday! Thanks as always for your cooperation, the children looked fantastic and all money raised goes to support the wonderful work of the Alzheimer's society.

Anti-Bullying Week, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 29th Nov 2021 @ 1:13am

We supported anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks! We then made posters, adding kind words that we could use with our friends and families throughout the week. We hope to continue to use at least 'one kind word' daily throughout Year 2.

Children in Need 2021, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 29th Nov 2021 @ 12:52am

We have had a very busy couple of weeks in school, supporting lots of charities. We had a great time dressing up in spots and stripes for Children in Need 2 weeks ago. Then last week, we donned our Reindeer Antlers and red noses and ran for Wirral Hospice! We are very much looking forward to dressing as Elves this Friday for the Alzheimer's Society.

Art Club with Miss Ward, by Miss Houlihan

Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 8:54pm

??? Year 1 and 2 used chalk pastels in Art Club with Miss Ward to create these beautiful firework pictures last week! They also learned about how to stay really safe on bonfire night ???

Art Club with Miss Ward, by Miss Houlihan

Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 8:53pm

Art Club made poppies, talked about what Remembrance Day is and why we wear poppies with Miss Ward today ???

Celebrating Black History Month, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 10:23pm

In Year 2 we have been celebrating Black History month by learning about the civil rights activist Rosa Parks. After hearing her story, the children drew an outline of a girl. They then wrote all the characteristics that made Rosa such a brave and courageous person of her time. Some of the words the children wrote were really thoughtful and inspiring. We're really proud!


Year 2 National Poetry Day 2021, by Miss Adamczewska

Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 10:00am

National Poetry Day is the annual mass celebration on the first Thursday of October that encourages all to enjoy, discover and share poetry. This year, National Poetry Day takes place on 7 October 2021, and the theme is Choice.

National Poetry Day generates an explosion of activity nationwide, thousands of amazing events across the UK – on doorsteps and at kitchen tables, in gardens and streets, in schools, libraries and public spaces both online and offline – all celebrating poetry’s power to bring people together. 

The Day starts conversations, it encourages love of language – and best of all, it’s open to absolutely everyone to join in, quietly or noisily in rewarding and enjoyable ways. As the artform’s most visible moment, it showcases the ways in which poetry adds value to society.

Here are amazing Year 2's...

Year 2 Science, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 10th Oct 2021 @ 11:26pm

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 2 have been looking at 'living things and their habitats' in our Science lessons. We visited Father Michael's Garden, looking for signs of wildlife and plants. We then went over to our EYFS grounds and Edible Garden to hunt for minibeasts! We found all sorts of creatures hiding under leaves, under logs, in the grass, in the soil and on the trees and bushes! Great work bug hunters!

Y2 Mrs Schultz, by Mrs Harris

Date: 13th Jul 2021 @ 10:26am

Year 2 recreated the England flag in school today 

Y2 England flag

Year 2 Vlog 13/07/21, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 13th Jul 2021 @ 9:20am

Student Login