Year 2: Blog items

Trip to Ness Gardens, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 9th May 2019 @ 3:09pm

Last month Year 2 visited Ness Gardens to learn all about flowers, linking with our Van Gogh topic.

We really enjoyed looking at all the different types of flowers, learning about the different parts of plants, and we even got to get messy and plant our own!

Thanks to everyone who works at Ness Gardens and our great parent helpers!


Van Gogh Daffodils, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 9th May 2019 @ 2:48pm

Year 2 have been inspired by the style and themes of Van Gogh!

Last week our class of artists used watercolours to create fantastic daffodils, they really enjoyed adding the detail to the flowers and using the watercolours to imitate the style of Van Gogh.

We then sent invitiations to Year 3 to come and look at our brilliant paintings.

Year 2 Fraction Fun, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 14th Mar 2019 @ 1:35pm

Year 2 have been having a fun time in Maths this week doing some Fractions.

The children have been halving and quartering amounts and have made such fantastic progress over the week!


French Food Tasting, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 11th Mar 2019 @ 4:44pm

As part of our Thematic Project we have been learning about all thing France!

As the big finale of our topic we all had a taste of some very lovely French food!

We loved creating a menu and tasting some new foods.

World Book Day, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 11th Mar 2019 @ 4:36pm

Year 2 had a fantastic day dressing up to celebrate World Book Day!

Take a look at all of our fantastic costumes!


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