Year 4: Blog items

Art Club , by Miss Haslett

Date: 5th Nov 2019 @ 2:09pm

Art club takes place every Thursday lunchtime with Miss Haslett.

Children have enjoyed getting creative using paints. 

Salvador Dali, by Mr Woodland

Date: 23rd May 2019 @ 11:48am

Year 4 have been learning all about the life and work of Salvador Dali.  They were then given the opportunity to create their own 'dream like' artwork, using the materials of their own choice.

Edible Garden, by Mr Woodland

Date: 23rd May 2019 @ 11:39am

Year 4 have been taking advantage of the lovely weather and have taken the opportunity to plant some seeds, whilst also doing to some mental maths in our outside classroom.

Chester Roman Experience, by Mrs Ingram

Date: 11th Mar 2019 @ 4:38pm

On Wednesday 06/03/2019 Year 4 visited the Dewa Roman Experience at Chester, where lots of fun and learning took place.

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