Foundation 2: Blog items
F2 - Autumn Walk in Birkenhead Park, by Miss Ward
Date: 27th Nov 2019 @ 8:34am
Last week we learnt all about ‘Autumn’, we went on an Autumn walk around Birkenhead Park to look for signs of autumn in the environment. We walked to the park and met a lovely Park Ranger who told us some rules about the park and what we were going to be doing. We collected different autumnal objects to investigate back at school. We had so much fun!
F2 - Library Visit, by Miss Ward
Date: 26th Nov 2019 @ 2:09pm
F2 had so much fun on their visit to St James' Library. We read a book called 'The Cave' and all made wolf masks. The children really enjoyed themselves in the library and have brought their love of reading back to school.
F2 Come and Share, by Miss Ward
Date: 15th Oct 2019 @ 9:38am
F2 had so much fun in their 'Come and Share' session, where we made paper plate portraits of ourselves.
F1/F2 - Edible Garden, by Miss Ward
Date: 30th Sep 2019 @ 8:30pm
Some of our children had fun last week weeding our 'Edible Garden' ready to plant some new seeds and plants.
Sock Goblins!, by Miss Frost
Date: 1st Jul 2019 @ 3:51pm
Martha took home the book 'Sock Goblins' this weekend...and she enjoyed it so much she decided to make her own 'Sock Goblin' to bring into school and show her class! Martha said "I made my sock goblin with my Mummy. Her name is Sophie."
Library Time, by Miss Frost
Date: 1st Jul 2019 @ 3:42pm
We have spent lots of time in the library over the past week, choosing books to take home and share with our families. We listened to a story with Mrs Worthington and checked our books out on our library cards. We would love to show our families around the library after school!
Chester Zoo!, by Miss Dunlop
Date: 23rd Jun 2019 @ 12:52pm
On Thursday, F2 enjoyed a trip to Chester Zoo!
It was a busy day of exploring and we saw lots of different animals that we have been learning about in our Thematic lessons. The Zoo Keepers kindly answered our questions and we had a very fun day!
F2 Trip to Acorns Farm, by Miss Frost
Date: 11th Mar 2019 @ 4:42pm
REMINDER: As part of our Thematic project 'What do Farmers do in Spring?' we are visiting Acorns Farm on MONDAY 18TH MARCH. We will be leaving at 9:10AM and returning for the end of the school day. Children need to wear full school uniform, a warm coat and appropriate footwear (preferably wellies). Please ensure you have returned your reply slip to indicate if your child requires a school packed lunch or if you will provide one yourself. We hope the children are looking forward to our trip- the staff are!!
F2 Come and Share - Wednesday 10 October 2018, by Miss Houlihan
Date: 7th Oct 2018 @ 5:20pm
Join us for Come and Share on Wednesday 10 October in the Annexe building.