Foundation 2: Blog items

F2 Thursday 25th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 24th Feb 2021 @ 5:44pm

Hi F2, 

Here are todays activities: 

Literacy – Farmer Duck

Re-listen to the story Farmer Duck. Miss Kealey has read the story on Tapestry (Memo’s).

Can you remember what an adjective is? (An adjective is a word to describe something, For example, A green tractor)

Have a look at some of the pictures of the duck at the start and middle of the story. How is he feeling?

Can you write some words (adjectives) to describe the duck? For example, sad, small. You can even draw a picture of the duck too.

Challenge: Can you put some of these words into a sentence or caption?


Phonics – Adjacent Consonants

Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action -  ‘t, s, ff, ur, er, air, ure’

Using the phoneme frame template on the School Spider. Ask an adult to say these words to you. Remember to segment it slowly. Can you write these words into the frame and add sound buttons. (dump, sent, milk, clown)

Challenge: Can you write a sentence containing one of these words? It can be a silly sentence if you like. (A sentence that does not make sense)


Maths – Subitising Numbers

Practise counting using the splat square. For example – 1-20 forwards and backwards. Counting in 10’s, counting in 2’s,one more one less, missing number etc.

Listen to the song by Jack Hartman all about recognising numbers in different ways and representations

Complete the worksheet on School Spider.


Understanding the World – Reptiles

Watch the story ‘Miles and Miles of Reptiles’

Pick an animal from the story. How do you know it is a reptile? What features does it have? E.g. legs, scales, claws etc. Can you talk with an adult about how reptiles lay eggs? They lay eggs that are soft and rubbery. How do you think the animals keep them safe?

Can you design a nesting environment to keep reptile eggs safe? Please find a template attached on School Spider.

Can you make the habitat out of materials you have at home? For example, boxes, paper etc.



Wellbeing Activity: Think of a gift that you could give to somebody. Can you draw or make something that will make them smile?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


F2 Wednesday 24th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 23rd Feb 2021 @ 5:51pm

 Hi F2, 

Here are the activities for today:

Literacy – Farmer Duck

Re-listen to the story Farmer Duck. Miss Kealey has read the story on Tapestry (Memo’s).

Can you remember your actions for the story? Can you act out the story to an adult or sibling at home?

Complete a storyboard/map activity. Please find the worksheet attached on School Spider.


Phonics – Adjacent Consonants

Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action ‘o, a, r, e, oa, or, ear, ure’

Play a Phonics Play buried treasure game with words containing adjacent consonants. For example: lamp (the ‘mp’ is the adjacent consonant).

Can you try to read these sentences containing adjacent consonant words in them? You might want to draw the sound buttons underneath to help you.

  • A lost chimp felt so sad he wept.
  • This belt is so tight, it hurts my waist.
  • A tent will get damp in the rain.

Maths – Number Formation

Practise counting using the splat square. For example – 1-20 forwards and backwards. Counting in 10’s, counting in 2’s,one more one less, missing number etc.

Ask an adult to write some numbers on a piece of paper. (Adult - Draw a number that is backwards or the wrong formation, which is amongst some numbers that are wrote correctly. Can your child spot it and write it the correct way.)

Complete worksheet on School Spider.


Understanding the World – Reptiles

We will begin our topic on reptiles today.

Do you know anything about reptiles already?

Watch the video Reptiles

What are the differences between humans and reptiles? Use the template attached on School Spider to sort between reptiles and non-reptiles?

Challenge: Can you draw a picture of a reptile and label it?


Wellbeing Activity: Laugh! Share some favourite jokes with friends or watch a funny cartoon or video.


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team 



F2 Tuesday 23rd February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 3:03pm

Hi F2, 

We hope you had a lovely and relaxing half term! Here are the activities for today: 

Literacy - Farmer Duck

Listen to the story Farmer Duck. Miss Kealey has read the story for you on Tapestry (Memo's). Can you role play the story and create actions for different parts. Can you act out the story for your family and tell them what happens at each part, for example, the beginning, middle and end. What is your favourite part of the story? 

Phonics — Adjacent Consonants

Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action 'th, ck, t, sh, ch'

Write the word 'ten' on a piece of paper. Segment and blend the word. Add the letter 't' to the end of the word to make the word 'tent'. For each of the following words (below) write the first three letters e.g. ten, dam, lum, ben, men. Can you add a letter to the each of these 3 letters to make another word? For example: tent, damp, lump, bend, mend.

Maths — Counting

Practise counting using the splat square For example — counting 1-20 forwards and backwards, counting in 10's, counting in 2's, one more, one less, missing numbers. 

Can you write numbers 1-10 on cut up pieces of paper? Can you match the correct amount of objects to the number? Can you practise forming the numbers too? Challenge: Can you do this for numbers to 20 or higher?

RE: Lent

Talk about the beginning of Lent — Shrove Tuesday. Did anyone have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday? Discuss meaning behind Shrove Tuesday with your child. (Shrove Tuesday is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent — the 40 days leading up to Easter — was traditionally a time of fasting and on Shrove Tuesday people made pancakes to eat before the fasting during Lent)

During Lent, people make promises or give things up as it is a time for Christians to reflect and think about Jesus and how he fasted for 40 days and nights.

Can you make a Lenten Promise? Please find a worksheet attached on the School Spider. For example: I will help with the washing. I will give up sweets. I will tidy my room.

Wellbeing Activity: Make a friendship bracelet.

Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


F2 Friday 12th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 5:51pm

Hi F2, 

Here are the activities for today: 

Literacy – Literacy Shed – ‘Tuesday’

Recap over the story ‘Tuesday’ by David Weiner The Picture Book Shed - THE LITERACY SHED

Can you pretend to be another animal – where would you go and who would you be? Maybe your favourite animal. Can you perform an action as a new animal – can your family guess the animal?

Create your own version of the story with a new character and location.

For example: Pigs fly in the sky and go to the beach.

Phonics – Consolidation

Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action ‘j, er, w, ai, ee, igh’

Can you practise your spellings for this week. ‘it, an, not, put’. How many did you get correct?

Play some free blending games on Phonics Play or Phonics Bloom.

Maths – Money

Play the game: Pay with just one coin

Play a listening game with pennies and a jar. Have an adult choose an amount and drop that amount of pennies into the jar, can you close your eyes and listen for how many pennies dropped and guess the amount.

Then can you count out the coins in the jar and write the total amount e.g. 5 pennies in the jar is 5p.

Complete the worksheet on the School Spider.


PSED: Koala makes the Right Choice

Listen to Miss Kealey’s video of the story –‘Koala Makes the Right Choice’ on Tapestry (Memo). Talk about the importance of making the right choices

Key questions: Answer Verbally

  • Have you ever made the wrong choice before?
  • How did that choice make your/others feel?
  • When have you made the right choice?
  • What did you like about making the right choice?
  • Talk about food choices here too (link to lunch times in school)

Draw a good choice and a bad choice and label it.

For example: A good choice is sharing toys. A bad choice is snatching a toy.


Wellbeing Activity: Read a story with someone at home.


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Thursday 11th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 5:32pm

Hi F2, 

Here are today's activities: 

Literacy – Literacy Shed – ‘Tuesday’

Recap over the story ‘Tuesday’ by David Weiner The Picture Book Shed - THE LITERACY SHED

Look at the characters in the video. For example: The man in the kitchen, the frogs etc.

Can you make a frog mask and act out parts of the story? Can you describe the frog? e.g green, slimy.

Can you draw a picture of one of the characters or a frog and write some words or sentences to describe them?


Phonics – Consolidation

Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action ‘v, sh, ch, z, ll, ff, ss’

Recap the caption action for the ‘ure’. Can you form this grapheme on paper?

Ask an adult to write some words containing the ‘ure’ sound and hide them around your house. Can you go on a detective hunt to find them and try to segment and blend them?

Maths – Money

Listen to the coins song

With your role-play shop you made yesterday, can you give the different objects/items a price. Either find some pennies or make some out of paper. Can you use the coins to buy the items? Adults can you encourage your child and use language such as change, price, amount, coins, money, left over, expensive, cheap etc.


Thematic: What sounds can you hear in the Rainforest?

Can you make some shadow puppets of animals you might find in the rainforest. Can you find a torch and make the shadows move?

Have a think about animals losing their homes if the rainforest is chopped down, can you write a letter to tell people to stop cutting trees down?

Remember to write your full name at the bottom of the letter.


Wellbeing Activity: Make an obstacle course – how fast can you complete it?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Wednesday 10th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 5:40pm

Hi F2, 

Here are your activities for today: 

Literacy – Literacy Shed – ‘Tuesday’

Recap over the story ‘Tuesday’ by David Weiner The Picture Book Shed - THE LITERACY SHED

Imagine you are a different character from the story e.g. the man in the kitchen. What do you think he might say about seeing the frogs flying?

Can you write a speech bubble about what you would say if you saw the flying frogs?

Please find a worksheet attached on the School Spider.


Phonics – Consolidation

Can you practise these phonemes with the caption action ‘th, oa, air, ng, ch, sh’

Recap caption/action for the ‘ear’ grapheme. Can you write it too? Can you write some words containing this grapheme? For example: dear, fear, beard.

Can you write the sound buttons underneath each ‘ear’ word.


Maths – Money

Recap the different amounts of coins and their value. Play the Top Marks Shop game

Can you make a role-play shop? Can you decide on prices of objects, what is more expensive? What is cheaper? Can you write some price tags for items in your shop?  For example: 5p for an apple.

Please find an example worksheet/template on the School Spider.


Thematic: What sounds can you hear in the Rainforest?

Listen to the story ‘Slowly, slowly said the sloth’ by Eric Carle

Can you think of different rainforest animals that are featured in the story?

Can you create a big rainforest to save the animals using a variety of materials? What does the rainforest need? Tall trees, flowers, vines etc. using paper can you make a rainforest scene and add different animals to it.

Wellbeing Activity: Make up a dance routine or song               

Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


F2 Tuesday 9th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 5:48pm

Hi F2, 

Here are your activities for today: 

Computing – Internet Safety Day Watch the video all about Smartie the Penguin and how to stay safe online.

Can you draw a picture of someone who you would speak to if you had any worries online. Can you write their name or a sentence too? (Please find the worksheet on the school spider)


Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Ask an adult to write some ‘or’ and ‘oa’ words on paper. For example: fork, thorn, horn, corn, torch, goal, coat, boat, goat, soap.

Can orally segment the words and then sort them into 2 piles – ‘or’ ‘oa’ (See video on tapestry for phonics terminology support)

Challenge - Can you write some of these words in a sentence? e.g. The goat is big.

Maths – Money

Recap different coin names and what each coin looks like (1p, 2p, 5p,10p, 20p)

Listen to the coins song

Find some different coins around your house, a crayon and a piece of paper. Can you make some coin rubbings? You might want to draw a purse or wallet they can go into.

Challenge – Can you write the value of each coin?


Thematic – What sounds can you hear in the Rainforest?

Recap the story about an Orang-utan (The video is on Tapestry – Memo).

Talk about how the animals would feel about their home being chopped down.

What do you think the animals would say?

Can you write a speech bubble of what the animals would say? For example: Do not chop down my home.



Wellbeing Activity: Make a puppet using a sock. Can you give it a name?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Monday 8th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 11:39am

Hi F2,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend. Here are today's activities: 

Literacy – Literacy Shed – ‘Tuesday’

Watch ‘Tuesday’ by David Weiner  The Picture Book Shed - THE LITERACY SHED

Explain to children that this story doesn’t have any words. How are we going to know what is happening without words? Discuss what happened in the video – beginning, middle and end. Role-play the story. What happens at the very end? Where might they go?

Draw a picture of the frogs and where they might go can you write a caption for the drawing?


Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Recap caption/action for the ‘th’ grapheme. Can you write it too? Can you write some words containing the ‘th’ grapheme?


Maths – Money

Recap different coin names and what each coin looks like (1p, 2p, 5p,10p, 20p)

Have a look at some coins that you might have at home. Talk about when we use coins and when we might spend them. When might we choose to keep them in our purses/wallets instead of spending them?

Can you draw some different coins and write the amounts too?

RE: Jesus heals a man at the pool of Bethesda

Read the story - Cure of the man at the pool. Talk about how Jesus helped a person who was ill and how he healed him.

Key Questions

Where did Jesus go? Who did he see? Why were the people there? What were they waiting for? What was going to happen? Who did Jesus speak to? What did he say to him? What happened next?

Write simple sentences/phrases for different ways they could help the sick e.g. We can send flowers.

Watch another of Jesus’ miracles of how he heals a man born blind.

Key Questions – What did Jesus do with the mud? What happened when the man washed the mud away?

Wellbeing Activity: Go for a walk can you collect some twigs and make a picture using them?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Friday 5th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 7:29pm

Hi F2,

Here are today's activities: 

Literacy – Alliteration

Write and sing the alphabet with someone at home.

Can you think of something that begins with each letter of the alphabet? For example: c –cat, f- frog, a – ant etc.

Complete the worksheet attached on the School Spider.

Challenge: Can you make a ‘Silly Soup’ of words all beginning with the same letter? For example: Dan danced dinosaurs.

Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Look at a picture of a woodland scene and can you write words for some of the objects you can see?

Challenge- Can you write some of these words in a caption. I see a fox.

Maths – Halving Objects

Join in with the video

Can you match the halves of the objects to make a whole on the worksheet?

Challenge – Can you draw your own object and cut it into two halves.


PSED: Lost and Found

Go on to Tapestry (Memo). Watch Miss Kealey’s video reading the story ‘Lost and Found’.

Look at the front cover of the book – how are the characters feeling? Why?

Read through the story. What does it mean to be lonely? Have you ever felt lonely before? Did anyone make you feel better? How do you know if someone is feeling lonely? What could you do to make them feel better? Talk about friendship in school.

Activity: Draw around your hand. On each finger can you write a name of someone you could talk to if you felt lonely? Can you decorate your handprint too.

Challenge - Write a sentence about what you could do if you or your friend was feeling lonely.


We have started uploading videos of stories on Tapestry (Memo). In addition, there is a video on Tapestry explaining some Phonics terminology.

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week there are lots of activities that you can do on Place 2B website.

Wellbeing Activity: Play a game. For example: jigsaw, musical statues, board game.


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


F2 Thursday 4th February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 5:38pm

Hi F2, 

Here are today's activities:

Literacy – Alliteration

Listen to the story (Akira’s Animal Alphabet Alliterations)

Can you think of any more alliterative animal phrases? E.g. blue bird, green grasshopper, ruby ring.

Can you write an alliterative poem all about animals or objects? It doesn’t have to rhyme.

For example: I can see a blue bird.

I can see a big brown bear.

I have a ruby red ring.


Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Play a game of splat the sound. Can you write some of your Phase 2 and 3 sounds on paper and have an adult say a sound. Can you splat it with your hand?

Challenge – can you write a word containing that sound?


Maths – Halving

Watch and join in with the lesson about halving  

Can you complete the worksheet all about halving? (You will find this on the School Spider)

Thematic: What sounds can you hear in the rainforest?

Go on to Tapestry (Memo). Watch Miss Kealey’s video reading a story all about an Orang-utan.

Talk to children about the issues the rainforest animals are facing due to the trees being cut down and their habitat destroyed.

Can you use a range of materials to make a ‘Save our rainforest’ poster, think about what you could write on the poster.


We have started uploading videos of stories on Tapestry (Memo). In addition, there is a video on Tapestry explaining some Phonics terminology.

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week there are lots of activities that you can do on Place 2B website.


Wellbeing Activity: Play a game of hide and seek with your family

Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Wednesday 3rd February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 6:38pm

Hi F2, 

Here are todays activities: 

Literacy – Alliteration

Sometimes we get words muddled when they all begin with the same letter and are next to each other, which is alliteration. Listen some tongue twisters.

Can you say the first letter that their name begins with? For example ‘B’ for Billy. Can you recognise the first letter of the names of the people you live with?

Can you write a name label but use some alliteration too. Think about your coat peg in school what is the picture? For example: Tiger Tim. You might even want to think of an action For example: Jumping Jake.

Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er). Can you look at the picture. can you write some words to match what you see in the picture? For example: sheep. Can you write your sound buttons too?


Maths – Halving

Watch the story all about halving

Have some different pieces of fruit/ objects E.g. 4 apples, 6 bananas, 5 oranges etc.

Pick a number. Can they count out the correct amount of fruit/ objects and halve it equally (share between 2)?

Repeat this with different numbers.


Thematic: What sounds can you hear in the rainforest?

Talk about the rainforest climate and the fact that it rains a lot. Show children rainmaker instrument and explore using it to make different sounds.

Explore pouring different materials into cardboard tubes (kitchen roll tube or just rolled up card) eg. lentils, rice etc and what sounds best.

Can you create a rainforest design on paper that can be wrapped around your rainmaker you might include trees and what animals live in the rainforest.

Can you make a rainforest sound composition, explore starting quietly and then get louder.

We have started uploading videos of stories on Tapestry (Memo). In addition, there is a video on Tapestry explaining some Phonics terminology.

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week there are lots of activities that you can do on Place 2B website.

Wellbeing Activity: Do some yoga with your family.


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


F2 Tuesday 2nd February Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 5:49pm

Hi F2, 

Here are today's activties: 

Literacy – Alliteration Play a game of eye spy. Can the children find the picture that matches the letter?

Look at this picture.

Can you find pictures of objects that begin with the same letter? For example: Pig, Pineapple etc.

Challenge: Can you say them or write them in a sentence? e.g. I saw a pig eating a pineapple.

Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Model reading words with two syllables chicken, tonight, boatman, rooftop, farmyard, market, lightning, bedroom. Can you use your sound buttons underneath to help you?

Look at a picture of a sea scene on this link Can you label items in picture e.g. shell, fish, shark, tooth, boat, sail, ship.

Can you practise reading the sentences?

The farmyard is full of pigs and cows. Lightning might hit a boat tonight. Rats run on the rooftops in the dark.


Maths – Doubling

Listen to the doubles song

Can you draw or make a domino. Can you practise making your doubling addition facts e.g. 1+1 = 2, 2+2=4 etc.

Can you complete the worksheet attached on the school spider?


Thematic: What sounds can you hear in the rainforest?

EYFS/KS1 Music: Andy Day looks at rainforests - BBC Teach watch the video. Can you guess what habitat we are going to be learning more about?

Talk about habitat ‘the rainforest’ and discuss what it is like there and the animals that live there.

Listen to the music. Think about what sounds you might hear in the rainforest, what could they be?

Can you draw the rainforest and think of onomatopoeia words to match the sounds e.g. drip, drop, splash, tweet, crunch etc.

We have started uploading videos of stories being read on Tapestry (Memo). In addition, there is a video on Tapestry explaining some Phonics terminology.


Wellbeing Activity: Draw a picture for someone and post it to them.

Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


F2 Monday 1st February 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 9:58am

Hi F2,

We hope you all had a lovely weekend! We cannot wait to see all of your hard work!


Literacy – Alliteration

Listen to the alliteration song -

Alliteration is when we have words that begin with the same letter. E.g. jiggle jelly, brown bear. Can you play a game of eye spy and find things that begin with the same letter?

Choose a letter and write some words of things that begin with that letter. You could even draw a picture too.

How many letters can you complete?


Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Can you write a sentence using last week’s spellings e.g. all, he, my , into

Go on Phonics Play or Phonics Bloom and complete some of the free blending games.


Maths – Doubling

Listen to the My Doggie Double song

Can you make or draw a butterfly and cut some circles out of paper. Then roll a dice and whatever number it lands on can you put the circles on each side of the butterfly’s wings. Can you work out what double of your number is?

e.g. 3 and 3 is 6 (so double 3 is 6)


RE: Jesus heals the sick

Listen to the Story of Ben. (Ask an adult to read the story, please see attached)

Can you verbally answer these questions?

How did Ben feel when he was in hospital?

• What did his friends make for him?

• Can anyone think of anything else they did?

• What did Ben think was the best thing they did?

• How can we help people when they are ill?

Listen to the song and join in with the actions. We Believe (Easter Song) - YouTube

Jesus brought the good news of God’s love to everyone. He healed the sick, raised the dead, he fed the hungry and he quickly forgave people who had made wrong choices.

Write a speech bubble of what they think Jesus would say to the sick.


Wellbeing Activity: Sing some nursery rhymes with your family.


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Friday 29th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 5:38pm

Hi F2,

Here are your activties for today:

Literacy – Wanted Poster

We are so impressed with the instructions you created yesterday.

We want you to make a wanted poster so Goldilocks can clean up the mess using your instructions. Think about what she looks like and what she did. Can you include that in your poster. You might even want to draw a picture of her too.

Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Play sentence substitution: Read the sentence and then swap one of the words in purple to make a new sentence to read.

You can hear a goat. (toad – song – see – coin).

They might meet in the town. (market – summer –we – fish.)

The shop is on the corner. (church – right – shark – boat)


Maths – Repeated Patterns

We have been so impressed with your repeated patterns. We thought you might like to make another one but this time with some yummy treats. 

You might have some biscuits (or something alike) at home. Or you could pick up one of the baking packs from school (Annexe building 10am -11am) and make some if you like. We would like to decorate some biscuits or make some of different shapes or colours to create a repeated pattern.

PSED: The squirrels who squabbled.

Before playing the video. Look at the front cover of the book. How do you think the characters are feeling? What does the word squabbled means? What might they ‘squabble’ about?

Watch the video The Squirrels Who Squabbled by Tim Field - YouTube

Think about: What does it mean to share? Do you think the characters were good at staring in the beginning? What did they learn? Do you think it is important to share with your friends? Why?

Can you create a poster showing ways you can share?


Wellbeing Activity: Bake some yummy treats with your family. This might help with the maths activity for today.


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Thursday 28th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 5:24pm

Hi F2, 

Here are todays activties for you to complete. 

Literacy – Instructions

Look at the picture of the classroom (see attached). Speculate what might have happened to the classroom. Read the letter from Goldilocks to your child. Can you think of instructions to help tidy up the mess that Goldilocks has made?

For example: Pick up the pen. Sort the books. Bin the paper. Get the chair.

Can you write some instructions or words to help tidy the classroom? Remember to use your ‘bossy verbs’ such as ‘put, pick up, get’

Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Practise the tricky words – we, me, be. Can you challenge yourself and write them too?

Read together and model blending tricky words and sounds.

We can be rich.        She is in a rush to get it to me.                He had a big shock.

Play a free blending game on Phonics Play.

Maths – Shape Repeated Patterns Join in with the video. Can you work out what shapes come next in the pattern?

Cut out some 2D shapes out of paper. Can you make different repeated patterns? Challenge yourself and use three shapes in a pattern.

Can you count each shape and record how many you have used? e.g. 4 circles, 3 squares.


Thematic: Who’s print is this? Join in with the song all about animal patterns.

Play the hot seat yes or no game. Pretend to be an animal and have an adult ask you some questions about your animal. Remember you can only answer with yes/no. For example: Is it brown? Is it bigger than a tree?

Create a piece of artwork of different animal prints using sponges and other materials around your home. For example: For a snake you might print with bubble wrap.


Wellbeing Activity: Draw or paint a picture of everyone in your home with you.


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Wednesday 27th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 26th Jan 2021 @ 5:40pm

Hi F2, 

We can't wait to see all of your hard work on these tasks. 

Literacy –Finger Spaces and Sentence Building

Ask an adult to write a simple sentence on paper and cut it up. Have the adult hide the words around your house. Can you find them and put the words into a sentence?

For example: The bear is big. The chair is hard. The bears walk in the woods.

When you have put your sentence together, can you write it in your book using finger spaces between each word?

Challenge: Can you think of your own simple sentence or caption to write?


Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Can you read and practise remembering these High Frequency Words: the, to.

Can you have a go at writing some captions? Begin each caption with ‘I can…..’

For example: I can run. I can dig. I can quack.

Maths – Patterns and Models Watch the video about 2D shapes. Can you remember any? Can you play the shape matching games too?

Cut out some different 2D shapes. Can you make a picture using them? For example: a house, a car, a robot etc.

Challenge: Can you describe the properties of the 2D shapes?


Thematic: Who’s print is this?

Think of an animal, can you describe the animal to an adult or a sibling but don’t tell them what the animal is. For example: It is green. It has scales. It has no legs. What am I?

Draw an animal in your book. Then draw that animal’s print on a piece of paper and stick it over it, to make it look like a flipbook. Can you write some words or sentences describing the animal without saying what animal it is? Can you family guess what animal it is?


Wellbeing Activity: Do yoga – There are some brilliant yoga activities on YouTube on Cosmic Kids


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


F2 Tuesday 26th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 5:44pm

Morning F2,

We cannot wait to see all of your hard work!

Literacy –Verbs

Recap over what a verb is. (A verb is a doing/action word) Say a verb and can you act it out? E.g. hop, jump, run etc.

Have a think about the verbs you created yesterday. Can you say them in a sentence?

For example: I can jump. I like to run.

In your book, can you write your verbs in sentences?

Phonics – Consolidation/Letter Names

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

With an adult, can you sing the Alphabet Song? Can you write the letters down and point to each one as you sing the song?

Can you try to read these words? These are tricky words so some of them can’t be segmented and blended together. he, she, and, the, no, go

Can you read these sentences containing tricky words?

Can he hop and zigzag?                Did he yell?            Can she zip up a hill?


Maths – Repeating Patterns

Join in with the video

Can you go around your house and see if you can spot a repeating pattern anywhere?

Using paint or coloured pencils. Can you make your own repeating patterns?

How many colours can you use?

Thematic: Who’s print is this?

Watch the story ‘Monkey Puzzle’.

Can you create your own animal puzzle? Draw an animal, colour in its print, then cut it into jigsaw pieces, muddle up and put back together correctly. Can you stick it in your book?

Can you write what animal it is?

Challenge- Can you describe it’s print?

Wellbeing Activity: Make up a dance to your favourite song. If you want you could perform it to the rest of your family.

Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Monday 25th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 24th Jan 2021 @ 10:54am

Hi F2, 

We hope you have had a lovely weekend. Here are today's activties:

Literacy –Verbs

Introduce what a verb is. A verb is a doing word.

Watch the video

Can you act out some of the verb e.g. run, skip, hop, clap, cry etc.

Complete the worksheet attached on your school spider. Can you write the verbs to match the picture and then draw a picture to match the verb?

Phonics – Consolidation

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 phonemes:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Can you try to read these words? Can you use your sound buttons underneath to help you?

mess, hiss, bun, boss, back, hop, kiss, cuff, dull, sell.

Can you try to read these captions too or identify the sounds?

I got a hug and a kiss.        The dog bed is in a mess.     A cat can hiss.

Maths – Repeating Patterns

Join in with the lesson about repeating patterns

Can you make a repeating pattern at home with different objects? Can you challenge yourself and use more than 2 objects? How many different objects can you use in one pattern?

You might want to use pasta and make a necklace. Here is a recipe for making pasta different colours. This might be something fun you could do with your families.

RE: Jesus heals the sick

Discuss with your child their experiences of being ill/poorly, who looked after them and how they got better. E.g. medicine, rest etc.

One of the ways that Jesus showed his love for people was by trying to heal them if they were sick.

Share reading of story of how Jesus healed the paralyzed man.

Sometimes when people are poorly/sick we make them cards to ‘Get well Soon’. Can you make a card for someone to help them feel better?

Challenge: Can you write a message inside the card too?


Wellbeing Activity: Build a den – make your own private place and have some quiet time. Maybe share a story with a family member.


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Friday 22nd January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 21st Jan 2021 @ 7:34pm

Hi F2, 

Happy Friday! We hope you all had a lovely day doing activities yesterday! We cannot wait to see all of your hard work!


Literacy – Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Look at the pictures that you created yesterday for your sequence of instructions on how to make porridge. Can you retell the instructions to an adult?

Can you think about the words we use at the start of instructions? For example: mix, stir, put, eat etc. These are imperative verbs or ‘bossy verbs’ as they tell us to do something.

Can you write some instructions on how to make porridge? Can you include the ‘bossy verbs’ in your instructions?

Phonics – Consolidation/Letter Names

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 sounds:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

 Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Play some free Phonics Play Games to work on segmenting and blending.

Write some Phase 2 and 3 phonemes (sounds) on some paper and cut them out. Can you make a path with them on the floor? Pretend the sounds are the stepping-stones. Can you say them as you step on them to cross the river? E.g. oa, oi, th, w, s, ff

Maths – Addition

Using Duplo blocks/Lego or make your own objects using paper. Can you combine them together to make an addition sentence? For example: 2 yellow blocks and 4 red blocks make 6.

Use a different colour for each number e.g. 2 are yellow and 4 are red. When we add them together, we get a tower of 6. Recap on practicing counting 1:1 correspondence.

Make addition sentences and work out the answers. Remember to use our + and = symbols too.


Listen to the story.

Before playing the video. Look at the front cover of the book. How do you think the dinosaur is feeling? What does the word worry mean? What might the dinosaur worry about?

After listening to the story – have you ever felt like the worrysaurus? How does your body feel? What can you do when you feel worried or scared? Act out what you would do/say with one of your favourite toys/teddies.

What would you say to the worrysauras to make him feel better? Can you draw a picture to show this and write some words too?


Wellbeing activity: With an adult, can you cook or bake something yummy to eat?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Thursday 21st January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 20th Jan 2021 @ 8:42pm

Hi F2, 

Happy Thursday. We have loved seeing all of the work you have sent in to Tapestry so keep up the hard work! 

Literacy – Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Listen and watch the story

Recap how to make porridge and what ingredients and equipment we need.

Draw pictures of each step and sequence pictures for making porridge. Can they write time adverbials for each picture? E.g. first, next, then etc.

Don’t write the instructions as we are doing this on Friday.

Phonics – Consolidation/Letter Names

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 sounds:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

 Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Ask an adult to write some CVC words on pieces of paper. Can you read them and draw a picture to match?

Play some free Phonics Play Games to work on segmenting and blending.

Maths – Addition

Collect 2 bowls/boxes and some different objects from around your house.

Can you put different amounts of objects in the bowls and write an addition sentence to match.

For example: 2 bananas and 3 apples will be 2+3 = 5


Understanding the world: Who’s print is this?

Listen to the story - Rumble in the Jungle

Make up your own animal and draw it. You can combine two animals together if you like. We would like you to create a new pattern for your animal e.g. purple spots or green stripes. You might give it a name such as a ‘zebraffe’ (mix between a zebra and giraffe).

We cannot wait to see what you come up with!

Music Rainforest Lesson Part 2

Join in with the lesson. Dance to some Brazilian drumming and make up some funky fruit rhythms.


Wellbeing activity: Go for a walk. Can you draw some things you might see on your walk?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


F2 Wednesday 20th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 19th Jan 2021 @ 6:32pm

Hi F2, 

Happy Wednesday! We hope you all had a lovely day doing activities yesterday! We cannot wait to see all of your hard work!

Literacy – Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Listen and watch the story

Watch the video of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. What does Goldilocks eat?

Watch a video of someone making porridge with the sound on mute.  Have the children each make porridge, have the children verbally tell an adult the instructions. Talk about what ingredients and equipment is used. Can you draw a picture of them and write the words?


Phonics – Consolidation/Letter Names

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 sounds:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

 Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Write some Phase 2 and 3 sounds on paper and mix them up. Have an adult shout out a phoneme (sound) and can they find it?

Maths – Adding groups

Watch the video: Jack Hartman Number Bonds to 10 to recap your work from yesterday

Can you make an addition machine? (See picture attached).

Using sweets or objects, you have at home. Give the children number cards to 10. Choose 2 cards and count out that many sweets/cubes. Can they put them in the addition machine and add the total at the end when they have combined.


Understanding the world: Who’s print is this? (The Mixed up Chameleon)

Listen to the story - What animals can you see? Why do you think animals blend in with their habitat? Do you know what it is called? (camouflage)

Choose your favourite 4 animals. Divide a piece of paper into 4 sections. Can you draw the print of each animal in the different sections? Can someone in your home guess the animals from the prints you have sketched?

Wellbeing activity: Play a game/board game with your family. Maybe you could make up your own game too?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Tuesday 19th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 8:15pm

Hi F2,

We hope you all had a lovely day doing activities yesterday! We cannot wait to see all of your hard work!


Literacy – Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Listen and watch the story

Act out your story map of Goldilocks and the Three Bears to your family.

Have a look at the characters in the story, can you describe them?

Choose a character, draw them and write some words to describe them? E.g. big, brown etc.


Phonics – Consolidation/Letter Names

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 sounds:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

 Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Go on Phonics Play free games, can you play a blending game (Either Phase 2 or 3).

Can you practise forming the letters/words you see when playing the games?


Maths – Number Bonds to 10

Watch the video: Jack Hartman Number Bonds to 10

Using the template (Part whole model), get 10 objects and can, you find all the different ways to make 10. For example: 3 and 7 make 10 (3+7=10)

Can you try and write down all of your answers.


Understanding the world: Who’s print is this?

Watch the video. What animals can you see? How do you know which animal it is? Talk about the patterns and key features of different animals. Why do you think this animal looks like this? What do you know about animal skins? Are they the same as our skin?  How are they different?  May be colour, camouflage pattern etc.      

Draw your favourite animal. Make sure you include its unique print. Can you challenge yourself to write some words to describe your animal’s print? E.g. spotty, stripy, brown, soft etc               

Wellbeing activity: Using boxes and other items that you can recycle. Can you make something using the objects you have collected? For example: a rocket using bottles, a castle with a box etc.


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


F2 Monday 18th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 17th Jan 2021 @ 9:38am

Hi F2, 

We hope you all had a lovely weekend! We cannot wait to see all of your hard work this week. 

If you have a look at the weekly timetable we have included some wellbeing activities that you can do with your family. Today we would like you to do some yoga. There are some brilliant yoga sessions/ activities on YouTube on Cosmic Kids, choose one and join in.

Remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry, we love seeing all of the hard work you have been doing. 

Literacy – Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This week in Literacy, we are learning about the story, Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Listen and watch the story

Can you create a story map using pictures?

Can you remember what happens in the beginning, middle and end?

Can you create an action for each of the pictures you draw? Act it out to your family.


Phonics – Consolidation/Letter Names

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 sounds:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

 Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Ask an adult to write some cvc (real) words and some alien words (made up). Can you try to read them and sort them into real and fake words?

For example: CVC words: cat, mug, dog, pin

Alien words: zab, beb, bab, vug, lif, hib


Maths – Number Bonds to 5

Watch the video: Jack Hartman Number Bonds to 5

Collect five objects and count them out in to a bag or container. Count them one at a time as they go in. Take some objects out and lay them on the table in front of the bag. Count how many there are and think about how many objects are hiding. For example: 2 out of the bag so there must be 3 in the bag hiding. 2 and 3 make 5.

Draw a ladybird and cut out 5 spots. Can you put the spots on each wing to make 5. Can you write down the numbers that go together to make 5? For example: e.g. 4 and 1, 3 and 2.



RE: Jesus Loves Each One of Us

Join in with the song Jesus Love is Very Wonderful (with lyrics) - YouTube

Jesus shows us his wonderful love. Think about how you can show Jesus’ love to someone else. E.g. sharing toys, helping when someone is hurt etc.

Use the sheet attached to design a love heart. Can you make the heart using different materials in your home e.g. playdoh, salt dough or paper/paint?

Choose someone to give your love heart to and write a sentence. For example ‘I give my love to my nan/sister/brother’ etc

Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Friday 15th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 5:23pm

Good Morning F2! 

We hope you all okay at home. We love seeing your work that you have been uploading to Tapestry so keep sending it in!

Literacy – Little Red Riding Hood Listen to the story, focus on how the characters are feeling and the words the characters say.

For example: Little Red Riding Hood says “What big eyes you have Grandma.”

Can you write a speech bubble for a character in the story Little Red Riding Hood?

 The characters are : Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma, Wolf, Woodcutter.


Phonics – Building Sentences

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 sounds:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Can you practice some tricky words (the, I, to, no, go, into, he, she, all, me, be, was, you, they, her, are)

Can you write a sentence using CVC and high frequency words? E.g. The cat is sad.

Challenge: Can you think of a sentence using phase 3 sounds e.g. I can hear an owl at night.


Maths – Days of the week

Days of the week - Adam's Family (Dr. Jean) - YouTube

Join in with our ‘Days of the Week’ song. Can you copy the days of the week on to the sheet or paper. Can you draw a picture of something you do each day?

What are the days of the week? - BBC Bitesize

Complete the ‘days of the week’ activity above.  


PSED – Oak Academy – Hidden Germs

Join in with the lesson.

Can you write/draw instructions of how to wash your hands and keep clean?


Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team

F2 Thursday 14th January 2021 Home Learning Tasks, by Miss Ward

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 5:27pm

Hi F2,

We hope you are all keeping safe at home!

Please upload your work to Tapestry. You can upload pictures of your work that you have completed.


Literacy – Little Red Riding Hood

Can you sequence the story by drawing pictures? Use your story map from last week to help you.

Can you write some sentences using time adverbials e.g. First, next, then, later etc. Or can you use numbers 1. 2. 3. to sequence each part of the story?

For example: Next, the wolf was in the bed.

Phonics – Building Sentences

In Phonics, we are practising our Phase 2 and 3 sounds:

Phase 2 (s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss)

Phase 3 (j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er).

Can you practice some tricky words  (the, I, to, no, go, into, he, she, all, me, be, was, you, they, her, are)

Sentence building: Can you put these words into a sentence? (cat, sit, mug, pen, frog, pack, fish)

Remember to focus on sounding out the word and thinking about what the sound looks like.

Maths – Length

Listen the story ‘Super worm’.

Talk to the children about the length of Super worm.

Ask the children to make different length worms using pictures they have drawn, playdoh, rolled up paper etc. and compare which ones are longer and shorter.


Understanding the World:  Oak Academy – Habitat Lesson 3 Join in with the lesson.

Why are different animals better suited to different habitats?

Walking Through the Jungle | Barefoot Books Singalong - YouTube Listen to the song.

Can you create an information page/poster about your favourite animal’s habitat?

Include things like: The weather, where they live and what they eat/do.

For example: A snake lives in the desert. It has scales. It is hot in the desert.

Have fun and remember to post pictures of your work on Tapestry!

F2 Team


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