Year 1: Blog items
Year 1 Vlog 27.01.21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 8:16am
Year 1 Vlog 26/01/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 26th Jan 2021 @ 8:41am
Year 1 Vlog 25/01/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 8:25am
Year 1 Vlog 22/01/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 22nd Jan 2021 @ 8:14am
Year 1 Vlog 19/01/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 19th Jan 2021 @ 8:24am
Year 1 Vlog 18/01/21, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 9:05am
Year 1 Home Learning Vlog - Wednesday 13th January, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 8:49am
Year 1 Home Learning Vlog - Tuesday 12th January, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 12th Jan 2021 @ 8:00am
Hi Year 1!
Hope you're all okay!
Mr Chamberlain has done a vlog just to say hello!
Year 1 Monday 11th January Home Learning Blog, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 11th Jan 2021 @ 8:19am
Year 1 Friday 8th January Home Learning Blog, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 8:48am
Reading at Home, by Miss Flynn
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 2:10pm
Happy New Year to all of our Pupils, Parents and Families!
Just a quick reminder that there is a wide range of Reading Books available for you to read at home.
There are books to read as a family and staged reading books which are pitched at all ability levels so that the children can continue to practise their reading at home.
All eBooks are tablet-friendly. Just register using the above link (for free) to start reading. New users: please activate your registration by clicking the link in your confirmation email.
Keep reading!
Miss Flynn
Anti-bullying week, by Mrs Schultz
Date: 18th Nov 2020 @ 1:04pm
This week the whole school have been celebrating our differences with an 'odd socks' week. In Year 1, we have watched an assembly about bullying and made posters to persuade people to be kind to others. It has been great to see lots of children participating, and wearing their odd socks every day! Let's keep it going for the rest of the week!
Year 1 Spellings 28/09/20, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 28th Sep 2020 @ 2:52pm
Please find attached the Year 1 Spellings for this week!
Good luck!
Year 1 Spellings 21/09/20, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 21st Sep 2020 @ 2:27pm
Here are Year 1's spellings for the week beginning 21/09/20!
Year 1 Spellings 14/09/20, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 14th Sep 2020 @ 7:16pm
Attached are this week's spellings for Year 1!
Good luck!
Year 1 Edible Garden, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 10th Sep 2020 @ 4:41pm
Our Science topic this half term is all about plants! Today Year 1 went on a plant hunt in the school's edible garden and investigated what plants we could spot!
We had a great time exploring the garden and finding the fruits and vegetables that are growing in there!
Mr Chamberlain & Miss Dunlop
Year 1 History Photos, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 9th Sep 2020 @ 8:58pm
Hello Year 1 Parents and Carers!
As your child begins the subject of History this year, our first topic for this half-term is ‘My History’, where the children will be looking back at their life and making a timeline.
To support this topic, we would like 2 photos of your child, one as a baby and one as a toddler (we can take the photos of them now!)
As we are unable to ask you to bring the photos in to school, we are asking for you to email them to us and we can print them for your child to make their timeline in school.
Please could you email your photos to [email protected] by Friday 25th September. This email address is only for sending photos and any other communication should be passed through the school office.
Miss Dunlop and Mr Chamberlain
Year One Challenges Week 14, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 10:08pm
Hello Year One!
Can you believe this is the last time you will be called ‘Year One’? This is our final week before the summer holidays and when you come back to school in September you will be called ‘Year Two’. How grown-up is that?
This week we would like you to think back over your time in Year One and make a little booklet with these pages in it:
- My Teachers in Year One
- My Friends in Year One
- My classroom looked like this….
- My favourite lesson…
- I was really good at…..
- I had to try hard with….
- I learned how to….
- We went on a visit to….
- In the Christmas Play I was…
Have a good think about each page and draw a picture and write a sentence or some words to go with it. It will be something nice for you to keep to remember your time in Year One.
Finally we would like you to think ahead to September and write a short letter to your new class teacher (whoever they may be! Hopefully you will find out very soon!) In the letter tell them as much as you can about yourself: your name , your age, your family, what you like to do, what you are good at, what you are looking forward to and also tell them anything you are a little bit worried about. Then draw them a fantastic picture of yourself. Make sure you send it to us here at school and we will pass your letter on to your new teacher so that they know all about you before you start in September.
Finally, can we just say that it was wonderful to work with you in Year One and we are so sorry that we haven’t seen you for so long and that we didn’t get to do all the lovely things we wanted to do this term. Have a lovely summer and good luck for September! Make sure you come and say ‘Hello’ to us, when you can.
Take care and stay safe,
Lots of love from all your teachers in Year One
Year One Challenges Week 13, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 4th Jul 2020 @ 11:11pm
Year One Weekly Challenges.
Week 13
Hello Year 1! It has been lovely seeing lots of familiar faces this week but we are still missing our Year 1’s at home. Here are some tasks to keep you busy!
In school this week we have been finding out about SPACE!
We would like you to create your own planet! What would your planet look like? What would it be made of? Does anyone live on your planet? Remember to use lots of describing words. Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Keep looking at your phonics and your tricky words.
Please look at your number bonds to ten. If you feel confident with them move on to number bonds to 20. We played a number bond bingo game. Each person chose 4 numbers 0-10, I then called out a number e.g. 3 and they would have to match it with a 7 to make the correct number bond to 10. Have fun!
Could you order the planets in size?
While we were looking at the planets we learnt that many of the planets have moons. So we investigated and found out that the first man to walk on the moon was Neil Armstong along with his fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
We would like you to find out more about this amazing adventure, what year did they go to the moon, what was the rocket called, what did they leave on the moon?
Have fun with all your challenges.
Keep safe!
Mrs Fitzgerald, Ms Carney and Mrs Carroll.
Year One Weekly Tasks: Week 11, by Mrs Carney
Date: 24th Jun 2020 @ 10:27am
It's been lovely to welcome back so many of you this morning and we've had a great time catching up again.
Here are this weeks challenges!
National Writing Day Challenge:
You are going to take part in a 24/7 challenge.
There are just three rules:
1. You are going to write a brilliant 24-word short story.
2. Your story must start with the words ‘One day’.
3. You will write it in just 7 minutes!
It’s a challenge, but don’t worry – this lesson will guide you step by step so you’re ready to make the most of those precious 7 minutes!
Follow this link to your challenge and step by step guidance:
Please share the story of The Rainbow Fish. If you have this story at home then please use the book. If not, please watch this video of the story Once you have read the story or watched the video, please discuss the vocabulary on the word mat below, and complete the two activities below.
★ Activity 1
Complete the Rainbow Fish book review. Discuss with a grown up what you like about the story, and how you think it could be even better. Can you work out the hidden message behind the story?
★ Activity 2
Can you fix the Rainbow Fish sentences? Words are spelt incorrectly, and they are missing capital letters and full stops. Use the story to help you.
Can you complete the capacity activity using the document below? Your grown up's at home will use the questions to challenge you. I have also included a vocabulary mat to discuss the key vocabulary. If you think you are ready for it, try the challenge cards too (they are trickier!)
Here are some of the songs that we enjoyed together when we were in school. Please revisit and recap our previous learning. They are very helpful, and I bet you could show your grown up's what you know.
- Days of the week -
- Months of the year -
- Count to 100 -
- Counting in 10's -
- Counting in 5's -
- Counting in 2's -
- Alphabet phonics -
- Phase 3 phonics -
Use the powerpoint below to learn about Florence Nightingale.
Here is a video about her life too
Listen to this song, I know you will enjoy it.
Discuss with a grown up who she was, why she was famous, and what you think about her. Please complete the 3 activities below.
★ Activity 1
Use the sorting cards to discuss with a grown up whether the pictures were 'before' Florence Nightingale arrived, or 'after'. If you do not have a printer, discuss them on the screen.
★ Activity 2
Complete the hospital improvement activity. Match the problem that Florence Nightingale was faced with, to the solution she found. What do you think about her as a nurse?
★ Activity 3
Florence Nightingale used a lamp when nursing as there was no access to electricity back then. Create a lamp of your own, and test it out in the dark. Try to be creative, and send me a photograph of your finished piece.
Once you have finished the above 3 activities, you can choose some of these below if you wish.
- Florence Nightingale word search.pdf
- Florence Nightingale Poem.pdf
- Florence Nightingale colouring.pdf
Use the Powerpoint slides to learn how to mix colours, tints and shades. Use paints to paint circles in the style of Wassily Kandinsky. Please send me photographs of your wonderful artwork.
Year One Challenges Week 10, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 9:07am
Year One Challenges Week 10
English: We hope you enjoyed the story of the Singing Mermaid last week! This week we would like you to look at the book/listen to the story online again and see if you can notice some rhyming words. When words rhyme they sound the same eg cat and hat, pig and dig. How many pairs of rhyming words can you find in the story? Ask a grown up to help you write some of them down and notice which letters are the same in both of the rhyming words eg cat, hat and pig, dig. Make a list of words that rhyme with these:
ring way fill dog
Now can you use two of your rhyming words to write silly sentences? Eg The cat had a new hat. The pig likes to dig.
Look out for rhyming words when you are reading your own books too!
Maths: This week we are thinking about position, direction and movement.The mermaid was kept inside a tank and she rode on a horse. Can you use one of your toys to show your grown up that you know what all these words mean?
on top of next to underneath near between in front of inside
behind on the left of on the right of outside
Then have a look around your house and garden and see how many things you can find that move in these ways:
forwards and backwards left to right (or right to left)
up and down round and round
Draw pictures to show what you found!
Science: We have been learning about materials and this week we would like you to find out what the word waterproof means. Can you think of anything that needs to be waterproof? Can you find some different materials eg paper, a towel, silver foil, a plastic bag and think of a test you could do to see if they are waterproof. shows a simple test you could do. Now draw pictures of objects that need to be waterproof.
Art: Have a look online at Red Ted Art and try making yourself a paper plate mermaid twirler
Don’t forget to keep reading and practicing your Phonics too!
BBC Bitesize Phonics Phase 3 has lots of short video clips to remind you of the sounds we have learned and games to help you practice them.
Have a lovely week and make sure you stay safe!