Year 1: Blog items
Year One Challenges Week 13, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 4th Jul 2020 @ 11:11pm
Year One Weekly Challenges.
Week 13
Hello Year 1! It has been lovely seeing lots of familiar faces this week but we are still missing our Year 1’s at home. Here are some tasks to keep you busy!
In school this week we have been finding out about SPACE!
We would like you to create your own planet! What would your planet look like? What would it be made of? Does anyone live on your planet? Remember to use lots of describing words. Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Keep looking at your phonics and your tricky words.
Please look at your number bonds to ten. If you feel confident with them move on to number bonds to 20. We played a number bond bingo game. Each person chose 4 numbers 0-10, I then called out a number e.g. 3 and they would have to match it with a 7 to make the correct number bond to 10. Have fun!
Could you order the planets in size?
While we were looking at the planets we learnt that many of the planets have moons. So we investigated and found out that the first man to walk on the moon was Neil Armstong along with his fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
We would like you to find out more about this amazing adventure, what year did they go to the moon, what was the rocket called, what did they leave on the moon?
Have fun with all your challenges.
Keep safe!
Mrs Fitzgerald, Ms Carney and Mrs Carroll.
Year One Weekly Tasks: Week 11, by Mrs Carney
Date: 24th Jun 2020 @ 10:27am
It's been lovely to welcome back so many of you this morning and we've had a great time catching up again.
Here are this weeks challenges!
National Writing Day Challenge:
You are going to take part in a 24/7 challenge.
There are just three rules:
1. You are going to write a brilliant 24-word short story.
2. Your story must start with the words ‘One day’.
3. You will write it in just 7 minutes!
It’s a challenge, but don’t worry – this lesson will guide you step by step so you’re ready to make the most of those precious 7 minutes!
Follow this link to your challenge and step by step guidance:
Please share the story of The Rainbow Fish. If you have this story at home then please use the book. If not, please watch this video of the story Once you have read the story or watched the video, please discuss the vocabulary on the word mat below, and complete the two activities below.
★ Activity 1
Complete the Rainbow Fish book review. Discuss with a grown up what you like about the story, and how you think it could be even better. Can you work out the hidden message behind the story?
★ Activity 2
Can you fix the Rainbow Fish sentences? Words are spelt incorrectly, and they are missing capital letters and full stops. Use the story to help you.
Can you complete the capacity activity using the document below? Your grown up's at home will use the questions to challenge you. I have also included a vocabulary mat to discuss the key vocabulary. If you think you are ready for it, try the challenge cards too (they are trickier!)
Here are some of the songs that we enjoyed together when we were in school. Please revisit and recap our previous learning. They are very helpful, and I bet you could show your grown up's what you know.
- Days of the week -
- Months of the year -
- Count to 100 -
- Counting in 10's -
- Counting in 5's -
- Counting in 2's -
- Alphabet phonics -
- Phase 3 phonics -
Use the powerpoint below to learn about Florence Nightingale.
Here is a video about her life too
Listen to this song, I know you will enjoy it.
Discuss with a grown up who she was, why she was famous, and what you think about her. Please complete the 3 activities below.
★ Activity 1
Use the sorting cards to discuss with a grown up whether the pictures were 'before' Florence Nightingale arrived, or 'after'. If you do not have a printer, discuss them on the screen.
★ Activity 2
Complete the hospital improvement activity. Match the problem that Florence Nightingale was faced with, to the solution she found. What do you think about her as a nurse?
★ Activity 3
Florence Nightingale used a lamp when nursing as there was no access to electricity back then. Create a lamp of your own, and test it out in the dark. Try to be creative, and send me a photograph of your finished piece.
Once you have finished the above 3 activities, you can choose some of these below if you wish.
- Florence Nightingale word search.pdf
- Florence Nightingale Poem.pdf
- Florence Nightingale colouring.pdf
Use the Powerpoint slides to learn how to mix colours, tints and shades. Use paints to paint circles in the style of Wassily Kandinsky. Please send me photographs of your wonderful artwork.
Year One Challenges Week 10, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 9:07am
Year One Challenges Week 10
English: We hope you enjoyed the story of the Singing Mermaid last week! This week we would like you to look at the book/listen to the story online again and see if you can notice some rhyming words. When words rhyme they sound the same eg cat and hat, pig and dig. How many pairs of rhyming words can you find in the story? Ask a grown up to help you write some of them down and notice which letters are the same in both of the rhyming words eg cat, hat and pig, dig. Make a list of words that rhyme with these:
ring way fill dog
Now can you use two of your rhyming words to write silly sentences? Eg The cat had a new hat. The pig likes to dig.
Look out for rhyming words when you are reading your own books too!
Maths: This week we are thinking about position, direction and movement.The mermaid was kept inside a tank and she rode on a horse. Can you use one of your toys to show your grown up that you know what all these words mean?
on top of next to underneath near between in front of inside
behind on the left of on the right of outside
Then have a look around your house and garden and see how many things you can find that move in these ways:
forwards and backwards left to right (or right to left)
up and down round and round
Draw pictures to show what you found!
Science: We have been learning about materials and this week we would like you to find out what the word waterproof means. Can you think of anything that needs to be waterproof? Can you find some different materials eg paper, a towel, silver foil, a plastic bag and think of a test you could do to see if they are waterproof. shows a simple test you could do. Now draw pictures of objects that need to be waterproof.
Art: Have a look online at Red Ted Art and try making yourself a paper plate mermaid twirler
Don’t forget to keep reading and practicing your Phonics too!
BBC Bitesize Phonics Phase 3 has lots of short video clips to remind you of the sounds we have learned and games to help you practice them.
Have a lovely week and make sure you stay safe!
Year One Weekly Tasks: Week 8, by Mrs Carney
Date: 26th May 2020 @ 7:41pm
Hi Children,
This week we would like you to focus your work around a short animation found on
You will need to watch the short clip in order to complete the different tasks. When it all seems blue, happiness may be close by… if you just look closely at your surroundings perhaps you will find it! Gabby is walking on the beach and finds a bottle of bubbles - when she blows it she gets transported into fantasy. She has fun riding on bubbles and meets people and things on her way.
Writing opportunities: Choose from one or more of the following ideas:
· Write a description of the beach.
· Write the story told in the film.
· Choose a creature that lives in the sea and write a fact file about it.
· Write a poem about Gabby’s adventure in the sea.
Don't forget to use your senses to add detail!
In the animation, Gabby is on the beach. Draw a picture of a beach and label all the features e.g. beach, cliff, coast, ocean, port, harbour etc.
Look at aerial photographs of the UK and find some seaside towns. Would you rather live at the coast or in the city? Why?
Art Opportunities:
· Paint an underwater scene.
· Make an underwater world on a paper plate
· Draw the outline of a fish and use something (such as a piece of celery) to print the scales
· Put some water, washing up liquid and paint into a cup. Use a straw to blow bubbles and then put a piece of paper over the top to take a print. Try using different colours and fill the paper.
Science Investigation:
Follow the link below to find out about the Science Museum’s special bubble mixture recipe, make some amazing bubble blowers… and create some really big bubbles!
Can you make a really big bubble?
• Can you invent a new type of bubble blower?
• Which bubble blower makes the best bubble? What makes it so good?
Hope you have lots of fun with this week's activities!
Challenges Week 7, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 4:41pm
Year One Challenge Tasks Week 7
Hi, Year One! This week we are going to be learning a new word: SIMILIES. You already use similies without even realising it! Have a look at this video which explains what they are:
Now you know what a simile is we would like you to think of as many as you can. Lots of similies mention animals: can you use each of these animals in a simile?
mouse lion snail kitten monkey
giraffe elephant fox owl
Remember to use the word like or as in your similes. Can you write some of them down in your neatest handwriting?
Now read the book Quick As A Cricket by Audrey Wood (you can find it online) and see how many similies you can spot….there are LOTS!!
In MATHS this week we are learning about CAPACITY and VOLUME. Begin by reading the story: Mr Archimedes’ Bath (available online) and use the language: empty, nearly empty, half full, nearly full and full to describe how much water is in his bath. Then you can have fun filling containers, using water outside if the weather is nice, or maybe pasta or rice and write labels to say how much is in each container (full, empty, half full etc).Can you put them in order from empty to full? Use an egg cup or an empty yoghurt pot to count how many cups of water or pasta it takes to fill different containers; put them in order too. Compare two containers and explain to a grown up which one holds more/less and tell them how you know. You could also find out the names of the units we use to measure capacity and volume ( Clue:look at the labels on bottles!)
In Science we have started to think about Materials. This week we would like you to find lots of different objects and test them to see if they float or sink. You could do this in a paddling pool or maybe in the bath, or just ask for a bowl of water: but make sure there is a grown-up around to keep an eye on you while you do this!
Create a table (see below) to show your results. Draw each object you tested in the correct part of the table and write a label to say what it is. Think about what each object is made from. What have you found out by doing this investigation? Do all wooden objects float? Do all metal objects sink? Do all big objects sink? Do all small objects float?
Float | Sink |
Watch CBeebies:Why Do Things Sink And Float?
Then have a go at making your own boat and test it to see if it floats!
Have fun and stay safe!
Year One Challenges Week 6, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 10:09pm
Year One Challenge Tasks Week 6
This week we are looking at how to write a postcard to our friends or family. I know we haven’t been able to visit anywhere lately but have a think of somewhere you have been or would like to go. When we write a postcard, we need to include some writing about what you have been doing on your holiday and write the name and address of who you are sending it to.
Ask a grown-up to help you look for examples and show you where to put the stamp. Have you learnt your address yet? Maybe this week you could learn your phone number too!
For Maths we are looking at money. Using different coins e.g. 1p, 2p, 5p, can you find ways of making 10p, 20p, 50p and £1. How many variations can you create?
If you have time you could create a little holiday shop. Draw some pictures of items you might buy on holiday, ice-creams, drinks, toys and souvenirs. You could then put prices on them and play shop with another member of your family.
In History, we are looking at holidays in the past. Can you find some old pictures of holiday destinations? Have a look at the similarities and differences. What is your favourite thing to do on holiday?
We hope you are all keeping well and enjoying time with your families.
From all your Year One Teachers.
Year 1 Home Learning Week 6, by Mr Chamberlain
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 5:41pm
Year One Challenges Week 5, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 4th May 2020 @ 11:32am
Year One Challenge Tasks Week 5
Write a letter to Rapunzel telling her about all the things she is missing while she is trapped in her tower. Tell her about the places you like to visit (when we are allowed out!) and the things you like to do with your family and friends.
Ask a grown-up to show you how to set out a letter, with your address and date at the top and starting with ‘Dear Rapunzel’
When we send a letter to someone we have to write their address on the envelope. Do you know your address? If not, try to learn it. Find out the addresses of other members of your family too!
When you go out for your daily exercise , have a look at the number on your front door and then look at the number on the house next door. What do you notice? House numbers don’t go up in 1’s, they go in 2’s. Practise counting in 2’s. Start from 2 and see how far you can count. Try this game…it is against the clock so you need to be quick!
You can also practice counting in 2’s from 1 (1,3,5) and in 10’s (forwards from 10 and then back from 100 to 0). If you want to try something harder, try counting in 5’s too! Remember that a Hundred Square will help you if you get stuck.
Science: Materials:
Gather together some of your toys and see if you can name the material each one is made from.
Look around the house and garden and see how many things you can find that are made from metal, wood, plastic, fabric, paper, glass. Draw some of them and think about why they are made from these materials. Why is your table not made from paper? Why is the window made from glass?
Ask a grown up to put some objects into a bag or a box and without peeping put your hand in and see if you can guess what each object is. How does it feel? What is it made from?
Watch this video clip and have a go at making your very own Rapunzel bookmark. You only need some card, wool or string, pens or crayons and glue. Don’t forget to send us a photo!
Year One Weekly Tasks: Week 4, by Mrs Carney
Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 2:09pm
Hello Children,
We hope you are all well and having lots of fun!
Watch our Rapunzel story again or perhaps find a different version to remind yourselves of the story.
Activity 1: In the story Rapunzel's father takes lettuce from the witch's house. Lettuce grows in the ground so look at other plants or vegetables that grow in the ground, Watch the videos below and find out what seeds need to grow into plants.
See if you can grow something at home. Look at how it changes over time. Use a diary to keep track of the changes it goes through.
Activity 2: Role play
Think about the different characters in the story of Rapunzel and have a go at practicing then performing the story to your family members. You could select some of your toys to play the characters and have a go at changing your voice for the different characters. Or perhaps you could ask some of the other people in your house to be different characters. Experiment with different costumes or props to really get into your performance!
Make sure you video your story to enjoy watching later!
Activity 3: Maths - Measureing
Rapunzel's hair was very long - Human's hair grows 15cm in a year, this is about the size of a small ruler. Find things around the house that are longer/shorter than 15cm. Use a ruler or a tape measure to precisely measure. Remember to start from 0. Find out the name of the unit bigger than cm and how many cms it is equal to. Draw some things you would measure using this bigger unit.
has an amusing video. (Mr Pumpernickel)
Activity 4:
'There was a princess long ago' video clip.
Try to learn the words and actions and maybe get your family to join in!
You could also create a tower for Rapunzel, using construction or a tube (see picture)
Year One Weekly Tasks: Week 3, by Mrs Carney
Date: 8th Apr 2020 @ 3:05pm
Hi Children,
We hope you enjoyed our story! We would like you to think of a different ending to the story and write it down with a picture. We can't wait to read some of your ideas.
Use your knowledge of shapes and counting to 10 to complete this outdoor Maths Trail. Or maybe have a go at a shape hunt in your house. Try to record how many of each shape you can find.
EGGciting Challenge!
Before you throw away all the empty Easter egg boxes we want to challenge you to think of another use for those empty boxes and shiny paper. Lets see who is able to think of the most creative or unusual ideas! Ask your grown-up to share photos of your ideas/creations. We are already excited because we know Year 1 always have amazing ideas and are fantastic at making stuff.
Have lots of fun with this weeks challenges!
Year One Weekly Tasks Week 2, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 2:55pm
Year One Weekly Tasks: Week 2
Year One Weekly Update, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 10:29am
Hi, Everyone!
This is a message from all of your teachers, just to see how you are getting on. It must seem very strange at the moment when you can't come to school and you can't go out to all the places you like to visit. But you are lucky to be spending time with your family and we hope you are staying well and remembering to do some work each day!
Here are some ideas to keep you busy this week!
- Read the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (if you don't have a copy of the book you can listen to it on YouTube)
- Practise reciting the days of the week and know which day comes before and after any given day
- Write a list of everything the caterpillar ate. Can you use some adjectives to describe them?
- Create your own butterfly using paints, crayons or collage. Put it in your window, with your rainbows, to make people smile as they walk past! Remember to tweet a picture of it!
- This website has lots of good ideas to help you:
- Have a go at these lego challenges and let us know how you get on!
Year One - World Book Day, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 2:17pm
Year One have enjoyed an exciting World Book Day! We started off with stories from our families and shared a lovely morning with David Webb, a famous author. We have also enjoyed lots of activities based on books and reading. Thank you to our marvelous parents/carers for making such a great effort with your childrens costumes - they look fabulous!
Year 1 World Book Day 2020, by Mrs Harris
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 1:53pm
Year One have enjoyed an exciting World Book Day! We started off with stories from our families and shared a lovely morning with David Webb, a famous author. We have also enjoyed lots of activities based on books and reading. Thank you to our marvelous parents/carers for making such a great effort with your childrens costumes - they look fabulous!
Year One Christmas Party, by Mrs Carney
Date: 19th Dec 2019 @ 1:58pm
Year One enjoyed their Christmas party yesterday and proved themselves to be fantastic dancers at our disco. After an exciting day the children were surprised with a visit from Father Christmas himself.
Elf Day in Year One , by Mrs Carney
Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 2:24pm
Year One have really enjoyed unleashing their inner elves today!
We even had a visit from Elfie himself and Mr Thomas couldn't resist joining in the fun.
Thank you to all of our parents for making their children look so fabulous to help us raise lots of money for the Alzheimer's Society
Keeping The Environment Tidy, by Mrs Carroll
Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 1:54pm
We have been learning about native animals during our workshops with Claire from Chester Zoo. We talked about what dangers are threatening the habitats of our native animals.
Year One have realised the importance of picking up litter so that it doesn't affect our local animals. The children enjoyed litter picking around our playground.
Year 1 - Edible Garden , by Miss Ward
Date: 15th Jul 2019 @ 10:17am
We have got green fingers in Year 1! Look how busy we have been planting and watering in the Edible Garden.
Year 1 - Knowsley Safari Park, by Miss Ward
Date: 12th Jul 2019 @ 5:05pm
Year 1 learnt a lot about different animals and their habitats on their trip to Knowsley Safari Park.
Year 1 - Jesus calming the storm, by Miss Ward
Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 4:58pm
Year One have been on adventure with Jesus today learning all about the miracles he performed. We learnt all about how Jesus calmed the storm and participated in some role-play.
Year 1 - Royal Tea Party, by Miss Ward
Date: 8th Jun 2019 @ 11:11am
During this themed week year 1 have been learning about 'The Monarchy'. We have learnt all about the Royal Family, as well as Kings and Queens from the past. We especially had fun during our Royal Tea Party on Friday afternoon, in which we made our own crowns and had tea with the Queen.
Year 1 - Sun, Sand and Sea Workshop, by Miss Ward
Date: 17th May 2019 @ 5:21pm
Mrs Bannister came to visit us again and we had fun finding out about seaside holidays in the past.
Year 1 Superhero Day , by Miss Ward
Date: 11th May 2019 @ 9:14am
Year 1 had a great time yesterday dressing up as their favourite superhero to raise money for 'Cash for Kids'. Everybody's costume was amazing and we had a great fun-filled day!
Year 1 - Maths , by Miss Ward
Date: 26th Apr 2019 @ 10:03am
Some of the children in year 1 have been enjoying using Dienes equipment to make lots of numbers in maths.
Year 1 Superhero Fruit Smoothies, by Miss Ward
Date: 26th Mar 2019 @ 4:12pm
Year 1 had a great time this afternoon making their own 'Superhero Fruit Smoothies'. They tasted amazing!