Year 6: Blog items

Year 6 - Schools Challenge Sponsored Event, by Mrs Harris

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 3:50pm

Year 6 have had a competitive afternoon of board games and puzzles for their #schoolschallenge fundraiser - Well done Year 6!!!!!

Year 6 Poetry Day, by Mrs Harris

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 4:37pm

Year 6 Poetry Day - Drama with Mrs Nunnery 

We looked at the poem 'The Day War Came' and put together some short performances using narrative and freeze frames ✨️

Year 6, by Mrs Harris

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 10:06pm

Year 6 have been learning about refugees this morning. As a class we read the poem ‘Refugees’ by Brian Bilston. It was an interesting poem as when we read it from the bottom to the top it changed the meaning of the poem. The children enjoyed discussing the meaning of the poem. 

Some children performed the poem and we also reflected on what we had learnt and prayed for refugees around the world.

Year 6 Residential Day 2 Activities, Part 1, by Mrs Harris

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 5:40pm

Wax art.....

Year 6 Residential Day 1 Activities, Part 1, by Mrs Harris

Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 9:19pm

Zip wire!!!!

Day 1!! Year 6 Residential 2023, by Mrs Harris

Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 1:18pm

Year 6 are excited for the trip!!

Year 6 Miss Houghton's class - Art, by Mrs Harris

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 8:20pm

Year 6 Miss Houghton's class 

Year 6 have enjoyed learning about pop artist Andy Warhol. Children found out about the life and work of the famous artist and then had a go of recreating a piece of repeated art in the style of Warhol ??‍??‍?

Year 6B Welcome back to School!!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 5:21pm

Year 6 Miss Barron's Class
Year 6 have had a great start to their year! Take a look at what they've learnt ?????

Y6AH - Welcome back to School!, by Mrs Harris

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 9:21pm

Year 6 Miss Houghton's class 

Year 6 have had a great start to their year! Take a look at some of the work they've produced ?????

Year 5 and 6 Performance 'Robin Hood', by Mrs Harris

Date: 6th Jul 2023 @ 4:04pm

Year 6 Art, by Mrs Harris

Date: 24th May 2023 @ 4:31pm

Year 6 have enjoyed learning about abstract and realistic landscape art and have studied the artists John Constable and Lindsey Hambleton. Today the children have used the watercolours to produce their own piece of landscape art based on our local area. 

Carol Singing at Heyberry House and Finch Court, by Mrs Harris

Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 10:45pm

A huge thank you to Anchor - Heyberry House and Finch Court for welcoming our Year 6s today ? 

We were delighted to visit and sing Christmas carols for you all ??

Some of the ladies and gents watched and listened from their windows!!  Children enjoyed a drink and a chat with residents afterwards ?

Year 6 Come and Share - Dec 2022, by Mrs Harris

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 8:36pm

Year 6 - Come and Share 

Year 6 had a brilliant morning at come and share. We created Christmas decorations, which included sewing and filling the decorations. We linked it to our DT project of ‘Make do and Mend’ and imagined we were making the decorations for an evacuee child from WW2. Thank you to all the parents / carers and grandparents that came to help. We had so much fun!

Year 6 Miss Houghton, by Mrs Harris

Date: 4th Dec 2022 @ 8:20pm

Year 6 Miss Houghton’s class

Year 6 have recently been learning about the circulatory system in science. The children have gained a good understanding of the circulatory system and that it is a network within the body that consists of blood, blood vessels, and the heart. Children today participated in a workshop which included dissecting hearts and learnt about the respiratory system in more detail.

Year 6 Miss Barron's class - Science Heart Dissection, by Mrs Harris

Date: 4th Dec 2022 @ 8:14pm

Year 6 Miss Barron's class

As part of our Science Topic, Year 6 had a visit from Hi-Impact to learn more about the heart. The children were all actively engaged and participated in a dissection

Mini Pathfinders - Year 6 Miss Barron's class, by Mrs Harris

Date: 26th Nov 2022 @ 6:24pm

Year 6 - Mini Pathfinders 


Year 6, Miss Barron's class have enjoyed working alongside the C.E.L.L.S project, hearing from ex offenders and people who have been affected by crime but who have now turned their lives around. 

Year 6 joined in workshops and discussed important messages about their choices that could affect their future.

The children also enjoyed looking around a mock prison cell and taking part in a mock court case ??‍????‍?? 

#minipathfinders #wirralpolice #TEAMBEB

Mini Pathfinders - Miss Barron's class - Final Day, by Mrs Harris

Date: 26th Nov 2022 @ 6:22pm

What an awesome week Miss Barron's class have had, thanks so much to #minipathfinders, #TEAMBEB and #wirralpolice 

The activities have been led by Merseyside Police and partners to provide information to Year 6 about preventing offending in the future and making positive life decisions around Anti-social Behaviour, lifestyle choices, such as exercise and food, road safety and cyber safety. 

We ended the week with an awards session with certificates and cups presented by Police Officers present in school during Mini Pathfinders ???

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Mini pathfinders - Miss Barron's class - day 4, by Mrs Harris

Date: 26th Nov 2022 @ 6:14pm

Mini Pathfinders - Day 4, Miss Barron's class 

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Mini pathfinders - Miss Barron's class - Day 3, by Mrs Harris

Date: 26th Nov 2022 @ 6:11pm

Year 6 Mini Pathfinders - Year 6 Miss Barron's class 

Day 3.......

Click link to view

Year 6 Miss Barron's class - Mini Pathfinders, by Mrs Harris

Date: 22nd Nov 2022 @ 9:16pm

Mini Pathfinders 

Today, the children engaged with a session on how to administer first aid and learn basic lifesaving skills. They improved their knowledge around first aid and had the opportunity to demonstrate CPR!!

Groovy Guitar Club, by Mrs Harris

Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 12:47pm

Year 6 Anti-Bullying Week 2022, by Mrs Harris

Date: 17th Nov 2022 @ 3:34pm

Anti-Bullying Week - Year 6

Year 6 have spent time exploring the different forms of bullying and ways that we can prevent it from happening. They looked at this year's theme 'Reach Out' and created informative posters to illustrate ways in which we can support others

Year 6 Pathfinders - Day 4, by Mrs Harris

Date: 17th Nov 2022 @ 3:30pm

Year 6 - Pathfinders Day 4

Year 6 have today enjoyed working alongside the C.E.L.L.S project hearing from ex offenders and people who have been affected by crime but who have now turned their lives around. The children also enjoyed looking around a mock prison cell

Year 6 Pathfinders - Day 3, by Mrs Harris

Date: 17th Nov 2022 @ 3:20pm

Year 6 Pathfinder - Day 3

Yesterday, Miss Houghton’s Class enjoyed a visit from Gautby Road community centre. Gautby Road is home to over 60 reptiles from snakes to spiders to stick insects. We are so impressed with how brave all the children were (and staff)! 

All children were given leaflets with different clubs they can attend at Gautby Road.

Year 6 Pathfinders - Day 2 afternoon, by Mrs Harris

Date: 16th Nov 2022 @ 8:39pm

Year 6 Pathfinders 

Yesterday afternoon Miss Houghton’s class enjoyed a session learning about the dangers and risks of Loan Sharks. We even had a visit from Sid the Shark! There is a competition that we are entering with Amazon vouchers up for grabs! The poster that wins but inform adults about the risks of loan sharks and where to get help.

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