Year 6: Blog items

Home Learning Week 5, by Miss Houghton

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 5:39pm

Hi Year 6, 

We hope you are all keeping well and staying safe with your families in these very strange times! 

Myself and Mrs Parry have thought of some more challenges to keep you busy over the next week. One of your challenges is a really important one as it is the time of year when we need to start thinking about you leaving us to go to your new High Schools. All the information has been included in a word document for you. 

Thank you for all the pictures of work and activities you have been doing at home. We really do love seeing all your pictures and knowing how you all are so keep them coming! Sorry we don't get to reply to them all but don't worry we do recieve them all. 

Keep Safe and Keep Smiling Year 6! 

Hopefully we will see you all soon. 

Love from 

Miss Houghton & Mrs Parry XX 

Home Learning Week 4, by Miss Houghton

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 2:01pm

Hi Year 6, 

Hope you are all keeping well and have been outside enjoying all this lovely weather. 

We have thought of some more activities to keep you busy over the next week. We have attached a PowerPoint with all the information on and don't forget to watch the blog!! 

Try and have a go at some of the challenges we have given you and don't forget to ask your parents to send some pictures in to our school Facebook/Twitter. 

We hope you and your families are all keeping safe and we can't wait to see you all very soon. 

Love from Miss Houghton & Mrs Parry xx

Year 6 Week 3 Challanges, by Mrs Parry

Date: 17th Apr 2020 @ 7:47pm

Dear Year 6

Hope that you are all safe and well and managing to enjoy the sunshine.

Here is your weekly Happy news update - looking at some of the happy news around at the moment and celebrating the moments of joy in our country today.

Please try and do some of the challanges and keep those awesome brains ticking over. We miss you all terribly and cannot wait to see you all again really soon.

With love from

Mrs Parry & Miss Houghton XXXX

Time For A Story - Day 10, by Mrs Parry

Date: 12th Apr 2020 @ 8:41pm

Happy Easter Everyone!

So sorry this is so late today.......I was distracted by the chocolate eggs this evening.

I hope that you have all had a lovely Easter and I am sending love from my family to all of yours at this holy time.

I hope that you enjoy the story - it is the last one of the book - by tomorrow I promise I will have found another book to read together.

Until then....stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs P X

Time For A Story - Day 9, by Mrs Parry

Date: 11th Apr 2020 @ 5:36pm

Dear All

Happy Easter Saturday to everyone! It is a strange kind of Easter isn't it? But I do hope that you have found a safe way to enjoy a little of the sunshine and you are being creative with your time - if you are stuck for ideas of things to do make sure that you check out your year group blogs by your teachers. They all miss you terribly and send their love this easter time.

Today's story is about a revolting dinner lady - fortunately I have only ever met wonderful people who cook and serve our school dinners so this was not an easy one for me to relate too! Please enjoy and watch out for my cat Nelly who clearly does not enjoy my Nasty dinner lady voice. Wait until you see what she does!!!

Until tomorrow - Stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs P X

Time For A Story - Day 8, by Mrs Parry

Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 5:51pm

Hey Everyone,

Happy Good Friday to you all! I hope that you are all safe and well and enjoying the sunshine in a responsible way. My hands are still sore from last night's #clapforcarers - I really hope that some of you went to your doorsteps and joined in.

Now today's story is all about The Incredible Bulk - a PE teacher who talks a good talk, does very little sport but wears the most fabulous tracksuits. Enjoy........this one is really funny.

Stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs P X

Power Point of year 6 challenges, by Mrs Parry

Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 1:30pm

Hi Year 6

Hopefully you will have watched this week's edition of Happy News - If not what have you been doing????

On it we are suggesting a range of fun challenges for you to undertake during, what would be, your Easter holiday. Please do your best to try them out and if you have any photos you want to share then post them on the school twitter, Facebook or send by email. Miss Houghton and I are looking forward to seeing you all with dusters in your hands or pushing mops around a kitchen.

Stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs Parry and Miss Houghton. X

Year 6 Home Challenges Week 2, by Mr Woodland

Date: 10th Apr 2020 @ 11:58am

Time For A Story - Day 7, by Mrs Parry

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 4:52pm

Hi there guys!

Thank you so much for tuning in again to listen to another of Mr Walliams' stories. This one is pretty dramatic but nowhere near as gruesome as some of the others! This is a story about Miss Palaver, the dramatic drama teacher and believe me, she is quite a diva!!

Once again, thanks for all your messages and 'Shout Outs'. Your teachers are really finding comfort in knowing that you are all safe and well.

I hope that you enjoy the story and, until tomorrow, stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs P X

Time For A Story - Day 6, by Mrs Parry

Date: 8th Apr 2020 @ 6:27pm

Dear Heroes

How are you all? I have had a lovely day in the sunshine but my family are sharing a sense of cabin is hard being without your friends isn't it?

I have been in school today and it is really strange without you all there - but I promise we are all just hoping you are well and safe and looking after each other. Today's story is one of my favourites and is all about Miss Seethe who is a deputy head.... desperate to get rid of the 99 year old head teacher so she can take over. It really made me giggle.

Thank you so much for listening to the stories and for sending in your shout outs - that makes it all worth it.

So, until tomorrow, stay safe, stay smiling and stay patient.

Love from Mrs Parry X

Time For A Story - Day 5, by Mrs Parry

Date: 7th Apr 2020 @ 3:48pm

Welcome back anyone who is still enjoing the stories!

I will apologise in advance for the lack of shout outs today - I was mad busy and only just managed to get this story recorded in time. I will make sure that everyone who has sent messages gets bigger SHOUT OUTs tomorrow.

Today's story was a challenge to read in more than one way. It is (as David Walliams himsef describes) a Horror Story and it almost had me cry. It is full of snot, earwax and noxious gas emissions.........listen only if you dare!

Until next time - stay safe, stay smiling and stay kind.

Love from Mrs P. x

Time For A Story - Day 4, by Mrs Parry

Date: 6th Apr 2020 @ 5:24pm

Hello Everyone,

Happy Monday to you all! Here is Day 4 of our reading - Miss Conceit the Human Work of Art - a story about a very conceited and un-humblish teacher! Obviously all these stories are totally made up by the great David Walliams but my own daughter suggested this teacher reminded her of me!!!! I am not sure what she means.

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it and I hope that you are all safe and well this evening. Please keep posting your messages to your teachers - they really are making us all smile and reassuring us that you are all OK.

Until tomorrow, keep safe, keep smiling and keep washing your hands.

Love from Mrs P. X


Time For a Story - Day 3, by Mrs Parry

Date: 5th Apr 2020 @ 6:20pm

Hey Everyone,

So it is Palm Sunday and it seems strange that I am not at church, waving palms and singing Hosanna!

Instead I am recording this story for you and I really hope that you enjoy it. Today's story is called Miss Spick the librarian and there is an unexpected visitor while I am trying to read!!!!

Thank you all for your messages to the staff at Our Lady's - we all love to hear that you are safe and well and it means so much to know that all these cringeworthy videos we are posting are worth it!

So, until tomorrow, keep smiling, keep safe and keep looking for rainbows!!

Love Mrs P.XX


Time For A Story Day 2, by Mrs Parry

Date: 4th Apr 2020 @ 5:01pm

Hello Guys,

Here is the second installment of The World's Worst Teachers by the wonderful David Walliams. This story is about Mr & Mrs Lovey-Dovey which certainly sounds cringeworthy but made me giggle. This one also includes a fleeting appearance by my naughty cat - just for you Year 6! I have loved reading all your messages on the school FB and it is amazing to hear you are all keeping well.

Until tomorrow - Stay safe, stay happy and stay smiling. See you soon.

Love from Mrs Parry XX

Time for a Story?????, by Mrs Parry

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 6:38pm

Hello everyone

Now I know how much you have all enjoyed story time this year. Unfortunately we are not able to read Harry Potter yet but I am working on for now we have permission from the great David Walliams to read some of his books. Hope this one makes you laugh.

Be safe and look after yourselves until I see you again. X

Year 6 Home Learning Week 1, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 10:56am

Year 6 Home Learning Challenge Week 1 , by Miss Houghton

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 2:34pm

Hi everyone, 

Hope you are all keeping safe and staying at home. 

We have put together some challenges for you to try at home while we are not in school. We have attached a PowerPoint with some website links and instructions. 

We would really love if you could share your completed challenges on our school twitter. 

Hopefully see you all soon and don't forget to keep washing your hands!! 

From All the Year 6 Team 

Still Smiling, by Mrs Parry

Date: 19th Mar 2020 @ 11:50am

With smiles on our faces, the Year 6 are spending the day writing to the elderly residents of some of our local nursing homes. We know that many of our older generation are having to self isolate and we hate the idea of them feeling alone at this time.

We hope they know we are thinking of them.

Chess Champions, by Mrs Parry

Date: 11th Mar 2020 @ 7:42pm

Year 6 continue to enjoy their weekly chess lessons! All the students are making exceptional progress and the concentration is exemplary......just look at how seriously they take each challenge.

The pupils are now running workshops for parents every Wednesday at 3pm. They love sharing their knowledge with anyone who wishes to learn to play or who simply fancies taking them on. If you are a novice or a champion yourself and would like to come in and join in the fun please sign up on ParentPay.

Year 6 - Russian Dolls, by Mrs Parry

Date: 9th Mar 2020 @ 12:16pm

During the last half term Year 6 worked hard to create the most beautiful Russian inspired home-furnishings! We hope that all their hard work was appreciated!

We all had to use a great deal of patience as we tackled sewing and learned a skill that we will be able to use in our future.

Year 6 -Becoming Architects, by Mrs Parry

Date: 9th Mar 2020 @ 11:19am

On Friday Year 6 spent an exciting morning creating a prototype for a new Birkenhead Landmark. We studied the features and measurements of iconic landmarks in our capital city and put together a proposal for a replica structure in our own locality.

As architects we needed to use our maths to calculate land areas, surface areas and volume and then we applied our understanding of scale factors to produce blue prints for construction. We had no idea how much maths was involved!

Domingos Cardoso Da Silva - Art Year 6 , by Miss Houghton

Date: 30th Jan 2020 @ 2:24pm

Year 6 have recently been learning about a Brazilian artist named Domingos Cardosa Da Silva. His most famous piece is of the favelas in Brazil, children started the topic by recreating their own piece of the favelas similar to Domingos. This week the children began to create their own cityscapes including Liverpool. We are amazed by all the children's work - here are some examples 

Year 6 Computing , by Miss Houghton

Date: 30th Jan 2020 @ 2:19pm

Year 6 have recently being designing their own apps. Last week the children made their own surveys to see what app s children their own age would like. This week they were reading the results from their surveys and seeing what they needed to do to improve their apps from the responses recieved. 

Elf Day 2019 , by Miss Houghton

Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 9:39am

Some brilliant elf costumes in Year 6! All for a great cause.

Sadako's Cranes , by Miss Houghton

Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 9:35am

Year 6 were lucky enough to participate in a Peace workshop this week. The children learnt the story of Sadako (she is remembered through the story of one thousand origami cranes she folded before her death) the cranes today signify peace. 

The children then had a go of making their own origami cranes. It was a lovely afternoon with a powerful message. 

We had some brilliant origami cranes 

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