Our School Library

School Library

This has become a popular and integral part of the school in the last year. Mrs Worthington and Miss Evans continue to add new books Library and the staff make use of these resources on a regular basis.


Borrowing books:

  • All children in Pre-School are able to enjoy supervised visits to the library and they look forward to their weekly story times, when the library visits them!
  • Pupils in Key Stage 1 (Reception, Years 1 and 2) also have timetabled slots for library visits
  • Parents and carers of Pre-School and KS1 children are welcome to visit the Library from 3.30 until 4 p.m. after school on TUESDAYs, WEDNESDAYs and THURSDAYs so that they can help their child to choose a book for reading together
  • Pupils in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6) are able to visit at lunchtime to borrow and return their books.


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