Our blogs

Year 5 Home Learning Challenge Week 12, by Mrs Bale

Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 2:51pm

Hi Year 5, 

Hope you've all had a good week. 

Here are your challenges for this week. 

Take care,

Year 5 Team xx

F2 - Home Learning Week 13, by Miss Dunlop

Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 3:38pm

Hi Children,

We hope you have all had a lovely week! Please find the video attached of the story ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and here are some activities for you to complete based on the story!

  1. Can you think of some animals and words that rhyme with them and put them in a sentence to create a silly rhyming sentence! For example, a pig wearing a wig, a cat in a hat.
  2. Can you draw a picture of a ladybird and make spots on the wings and write the addition sentences for the different spots you make. Challenge – Can you use 10 spots and find all of the different ways to make 10 to practise your number bonds.
  3. Can you create a map of a farm! Draw all of the animals together in pens and think about which animals would prefer grass, mud and hay.
  4. Can you complete the animal noises sheet attached to read the different animal sounds and match them to the correct farm animal. Can you try and write the sounds that other animals make, for example, a lion and a mouse?

Have fun and stay safe,
F2 Team x

Foundation Stage 1 Weekly Tasks: Week 11, by Miss McNamee

Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 8:47am

Hello Preschool,


We miss you lots and hope that you are keeping well at home.

This week for your home learning tasks, you will be learning about People Who Help Us. Can you think of anyone who helps you? 

We tend to think of people like police officers, doctors, paramedic, firefighters and teachers. 

Task 1: Learn your address and practise what you would say if you were ever in an emergency and needed to call 999. 

Task 2: Create your own emergency vehicle. Think about its features - sirens, hosepipes and ladders, bright colours. You could make your vehicles out of old boxes, bottle top lids and cardboard tubes. 

Task 3: Make your own people who help up costume. You could borrow an adult's hat to be a helmet or a shirt to be a doctor's coat. Pretend you are the person who is helping. What would you do? What would you say?

Task 4: If 5 children are waiting to cross the road and the lollipop person takes 2 children across, how many are left to cross? You could draw a picture or use your fingers to help you work out the answer!


Please keep sending in your pictures of your fantastic work to our school Facebook page - we love to see what you are all up to at home.

Preschool Team  

Year One Weekly Tasks: Week 11, by Mrs Carney

Date: 24th Jun 2020 @ 10:27am

It's been lovely to welcome back so many of you this morning and we've had a great time catching up again.  

Here are this weeks challenges!


National Writing Day Challenge:


You are going to take part in a 24/7 challenge.


There are just three rules:

1. You are going to write a brilliant 24-word short story.

2. Your story must start with the words ‘One day’.

3. You will write it in just 7 minutes!

It’s a challenge, but don’t worry – this lesson will guide you step by step so you’re ready to make the most of those precious 7 minutes!


Follow this link to your challenge and step by step guidance:


  National Writing Day | 24 June 2020               https://firststory.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Example-Facebook.png                                     



Please share the story of The Rainbow Fish. If you have this story at home then please use the book. If not, please watch this video of the story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzZuS3ze-Ho. Once you have read the story or watched the video, please discuss the vocabulary on the word mat below, and complete the two activities below.  

★ Activity 1

Complete the Rainbow Fish book review. Discuss with a grown up what you like about the story, and how you think it could be even better. Can you work out the hidden message behind the story?

★ Activity 2

Can you fix the Rainbow Fish sentences? Words are spelt incorrectly, and they are missing capital letters and full stops. Use the story to help you.



Can you complete the capacity activity using the document below? Your grown up's at home will use the questions to challenge you. I have also included a vocabulary mat to discuss the key vocabulary. If you think you are ready for it, try the challenge cards too (they are trickier!)



Here are some of the songs that we enjoyed together when we were in school. Please revisit and recap our previous learning. They are very helpful, and I bet you could show your grown up's what you know. 





Florence Nightingale - The Lady with the Lamp

Use the powerpoint below to learn about Florence Nightingale. 

Here is a video about her life too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jONlz7vaMnU.

Listen to this song, I know you will enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH6F20CojK4

Discuss with a grown up who she was, why she was famous, and what you think about her. Please complete the 3 activities below.

★ Activity 1

Use the sorting cards to discuss with a grown up whether the pictures were 'before' Florence Nightingale arrived, or 'after'. If you do not have a printer, discuss them on the screen.

★ Activity 2

Complete the hospital improvement activity. Match the problem that Florence Nightingale was faced with, to the solution she found. What do you think about her as a nurse?

★ Activity 3

Florence Nightingale used a lamp when nursing as there was no access to electricity back then. Create a lamp of your own, and test it out in the dark. Try to be creative, and send me a photograph of your finished piece.

Once you have finished the above 3 activities, you can choose some of these below if you wish.



Wassily Kandinsky — 50 Most popular paintings

Use the Powerpoint slides to learn how to mix colours, tints and shades. Use paints to paint circles in the style of Wassily Kandinsky. Please send me photographs of your wonderful artwork.



Year One Challenges Week 11, by Mrs Carroll

Date: 21st Jun 2020 @ 11:13am

Year One Challenges   Week 11

English:  In ‘The Singing Mermaid’ the mermaid manages to escape from the circus, with help from her friends. This week we would like you to write your own adventure story and it must involve someone escaping from somewhere! It doesn’t have to be about the mermaid, you can create your own characters and settings: maybe a monkey is escaping from the zoo or someone is escaping from pirates. Use your imagination!! But don’t forget that your story must have a beginning: where you describe the characters and the setting a middle: where your character escapes and the ending: where we find out what happens to them. When you have written your story you could illustrate it (by drawing pictures) and then read it to your family!

Maths: In The Singing Mermaid there is a man in the circus who walks on stilts. This makes him very tall. This week in Maths we are thinking about measuring. First of all can you find out who is the tallest person in your family and who is the shortest person? Can you line everyone up in order from the shortest to the tallest? Use the language: taller than and shorter than to describe your position. Is there anyone who is the same size as you? Now draw pictures of things that are taller than you and things that are shorter than you. Next you are going to use the language long, longer, longest to describe playdoh snakes or maybe pieces of string, or you could build something long using Lego. Can you measure how long your hall is by counting steps from one end to the other? Remember not to leave any gaps when you put your foot down! Now measure how long your garden is and compare the two. Which is longer? You can have fun measuring using anything at all: Duplo bricks, buttons, pencils, toy cars. Remember to measure right to the end and not to leave any gaps! Draw pictures to show what you measured and how long they are and write labels to say which unit you measured with eg buttons. Finally can you find out which units we use for measuring? You could look on a ruler or a tape measure to find out. Try measuring things using a ruler if you have one!


D.T.  Can you find out why we need to be careful in the sun? Think about how we protect ourselves from the sun. Can you make a poster to help people stay safe in the sun?

Sun Safety For Kids - Don't Fry Day







History: In school we learned about Queen Elizabeth II. Can you see what you can find out about her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria? When was she born? When did she become Queen? When did she die? Who did she marry? How many children did she have? You could watch the YouTube video by Curious Pavel or look at  the website:TheSchoolRun.com for some answers! BBC Bitesize will help you too. You could make a little Fact File showing what you have found out.



Don’t forget to keep reading and practicing your Phonics too!

BBC Bitesize Phonics Phase 3 has lots of short video clips to remind you of the sounds we have learned and games to help you practice them.

Have a lovely week and make sure you stay safe!

Year 6 Home Learning Week 11, by Miss Houghton

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 3:27pm

Hi Year 6, 

It has been really lovely to see some of you this week and we hope to see you a few more of you in the coming weeks. We hope everyone at home is safe and well. 

Myself and Mrs Parry are starting to think about creating a virtual leavers assembly and would really love to include all of you once we've worked out what to do!! 

Watch our video to see what activities we are setting you this week and please try to send some photographs into us. 

Keep smiling, Keep safe & Keep busy! 


Love from Miss Houghton, Mrs Parry & the rest of the Year 6 team. 


Birkenhead Priory Project, by Miss Flynn

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 12:55pm

St.Mary's Church Birkenhead: History of the Priory and St. Mary's ...Happy Friday Year 2! This week please create a project on Birkenhead Priory. How you present your project is up to you! Please send pictures/videos of your work. Use this link to help and click on the attached picture for more details. https://thebirkenheadpriory.org

Miss Flynn :)


Year 2 Birkenhead Priory Project

Research the following…..

-Use the website to research the history of Birkenhead Priory

-Create a timeline of key events including only the most important dates/events.

-Find out what a Prior is and what their role was?

-What was a Monk and what responsibilities did they have?

-What was a working day like for Monks?

-What was a religious day like for Monks?

-Which Royals visited the Priory and when?

F2 - Home Learning Week 12, by Miss Ward

Date: 18th Jun 2020 @ 5:41pm

Hi Children,

We hope you have all had a lovely week! Please find the video attached of the story ‘Zog’ and here are some activities for you to complete based on the story!

  1. Write a school report for Zog. 
  2. Could you use the comic strip template to create a similar story showing what different creatures might learn at their own school. (e.g. mermaid, a unicorn, a goblin) (Please find the template attatched below)
  3. Complete the instructions to help Zog find his way to school. Can you make your own map with directional instructions? (Please find the template attatched below)
  4. Look at the different dragons in the illustrations. Can you draw or paint some more? What are their names? 

Here is the link if you would like to watch Zog on BBC iplayer - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bwdw8y/zog

Remember to keep practising writing your full name, the letters of the alphabet, numbers to 20 and reading your tricky words and sounds.

Keep sharing your work with schools Facebook Page! We love seeing the work you have done and your smiley faces!

Have fun and stay safe,
F2 Team x

Returning to School - Guide for Children., by Mrs Walker

Date: 13th Jun 2020 @ 12:45pm

Are you returning back to school soon?    We are looking forward to seeing you all again :)   

There have been a few changes whilst you have been away. We have worked hard to ensure you are safe in school.

We do not want you to worry about returning so we hope that this guide will help you. 

Arriving at School

We will ask you to wait outside the gate and remember the two meter social distance rule.

Only one parent/carer per family please.

Temperature Check

You will be zapped! OK, not zapped but we will take your temperature at the gate. It does not hurt and it will tell us if you are safe to go into school. If your temperature is OK then this is where you will say goodbye and you will go into school. 

If your temperature is too high then you will go home with your parent/carer. 

Your Bubble

On your first day you will be taken to your bubble. Your bubble/classroom will not change. You will have up to 15 friends in your bubble (they may not start on the same day as you) along with teaching staff. You will have your own desk and your own equipment to use. You will spend all day in your bubble and will have playtime and lunchtime together too.

Clean your Hands

When you arrive at your classroom we will ask you to sanitise your hands. You will need to clean them lots of times during the day.

The staff will also be cleaning during the day to help us keep you safe. 

Playtime & Lunchtime

You will spend playtime and lunchtime with your bubble. We are not using the hall at lunchtime so you will eat in your classroom. Playtime will be spent outside with just your bubble friends. You can either have a packed lunch from school or you can bring your own lunch into school. All of your rubbish will be thrown away at the end of lunch so you must not bring in your lunchboxes, please use a disposable bag. 

Please remember to bring in your water bottles.

Moving Around School

We have new walkways around school. Please make sure you stay between the lines and walk in the direction of the arrows. You will also notice that some corridors/areas are out of bounds, don't worry we will show you when you arrive. 

End of the School Day

Your parents will be asked to wait outside the school gates, they will be guided to your pick up area. Please remember the 2 meter rule. 


Can't wait to see you all :) 

Year 5 Home Learning Challenges Week 11, by Miss Welsh

Date: 12th Jun 2020 @ 2:47pm

Hello Year 5! 

We hope you have been having a good week and enjoying your time with your families. Watch the video below to find your challenges for this week.

Take care and keep smiling.

The year 5 team 


Year One Challenges Week 10, by Mrs Carroll

Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 9:07am

Year One Challenges   Week 10

English: We hope you enjoyed the story of the Singing Mermaid last week! This week we would like you to look at the book/listen to the story online again and see if you can notice some rhyming words. When words rhyme they sound the same eg cat and hat, pig and dig. How many pairs of rhyming words can you find in the story? Ask a grown up to help you write some of them down and notice which letters are the same in both of the rhyming words eg cat, hat and pig, dig. Make a list of words that rhyme with these:

                     ring        way         fill        dog

Now can you use two of your rhyming words to write silly sentences? Eg The cat had a new hat.   The pig likes to dig.

Look out for rhyming words when you are reading your own books too!


Maths: This week we are thinking about position, direction and movement.The mermaid was kept inside a tank and she rode on a horse. Can you use one of your toys to show your grown up that you know what all these words mean?

on top of   next to    underneath   near    between   in front of     inside

       behind      on the left of    on the right of     outside



Then have a look around your house and garden and see how many things you can find that move in these ways:

 forwards and backwards      left to right (or right to left)

       up and down         round and round

Draw pictures to show what you found!


Science: We have been learning about materials and this week we would like you to find out what the word waterproof means. Can you think of anything that needs to be waterproof? Can you find some different materials eg paper, a towel, silver foil, a plastic bag and think of a test you could do to see if they are waterproof. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSs0ogUUqdM   shows a simple test you could do. Now draw pictures of objects that need to be waterproof.

Art: Have a look online at Red Ted Art and try making yourself a paper plate mermaid twirler











Don’t forget to keep reading and practicing your Phonics too!

BBC Bitesize Phonics Phase 3 has lots of short video clips to remind you of the sounds we have learned and games to help you practice them.

Have a lovely week and make sure you stay safe!

F2 Home Learning - Week 11, by Miss Dunlop

Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 9:56pm

Hi Children,

We hope you have all had a lovely week! Please find the video attached of the story ‘Room on the Broom’ and here are some activities for you to complete based on the story!

  1. Can you think of some words that rhyme with dog, hat, tree and bow.
  2. Can you write a recipe for a potion for the witch to make in her cauldron, using quantities and horrible things!
  3. Can you write a character description for the witch! Using sentences that describe her physical appearance and her personality.
  4. Use the story maker page attached below to tell new verses for the story of where else the witch may go and what animals she might meet!


Here is the link if you would like to watch Room on the Broom on BBC iplayer - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p0102qfj/room-on-the-broom

Have fun and stay safe,
F2 Team x

Year 6 Home Learning Week 10, by Miss Houghton

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 9:54am

Hi Year 6, 

Hope you are all keeping well. We really are all missing you here in school. 

We are here again with more activities for you to complete at home. This week we need to start thinking about creating you a leaving memoir that you can all look back on for years to come. Unfortunately, this year we can't celebrate in our normal way but we still want you to have the send off that you all deserve. 

Watch the video to find out what this week's actvities are, we really would love you all to join in. 

We are also attaching an end of Primary School booklet to create for you to keep.

We hope you enjoy this week's activities.

We might see some of you next week but for the one's who are staying at home kepp safe!! 

Love from 

Miss Houghton & Mrs Parry xx


F2 - Home Learning Week 10, by Miss Ward

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 9:47pm

Hi Children,

We hope you have all had a lovely week! Please find the video attached of the story ‘Sugarlump and the Unicorn' and here are some activities for you to complete based on the story!

  1. Can you write or draw another wish that Sugarlump could make?
  2. How many animals can you spot in the story? Can you write a list of them e.g. hen, dog, lion and write how many of them you saw in the story? 
  3. Can you make either a horse or a unicorn using different materials? (Please see some examples for inspiration attatched below)
  4. What 3 wishes would you make? Can you write or draw them?

Here is a video of the story and book on YouTube to help you with some of the tasks https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=6lbiLth5CTs

Have fun and stay safe,
F2 Team x

Year 5 Home Learning Challenge Week 10, by Mrs Bale

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 2:13pm

Hi Year 5, 

Hope you're all well. 

We hope you enjoy completing this week's challenges. Don't forget to send over your work so we can include it on the school facebook page; it's so lovely seeing what you've been getting up to at home!

Take care and hope to see you all soon. 

The Year 5 team 


Year 2 Home Learning Week 10, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 2:05pm

Year 6 Home Learning Week 9, by Miss Houghton

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 12:26pm

Hi Year 6, 

We hope you have continued to enjoy the lovely weather we have had again this week. We certainly have been enjoying the lovely sunshine. 

Last week we set you the task to send us any questions you have for your High School, we didn't recieve any questions from you. It's absolutely fine if you don't have any questions but please don't be afraid to send a question in if you do think of one. 

We have set more tasks for you so please watch our video. This week it involves lots of writing and using those brilliant imaginations of yours. 

We hope you are all staying safe and we will speak to you next week. 

Love from 

Miss Houghton & Mrs Parry 

Year 6 Home Learning Week 8, by Miss Houghton

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 12:21pm

Hi Year 6, 

The weeks are really starting to fly by!! We hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather we have been having and spending lots of time outside. 

Your challenges this week involve you to start thinking about your transition from Primary School to High School. Please have a think about any questions you have for your new school and ask your parents to email them over to us. These questions can be about absolutely anything but don't worry if you don't have any questions at this point.

We will try to answer as many questions as possible. 

Please watch the video attached and have a go of the challenges. 

Love From 

Miss Houghton & Mrs Parry xx 

Year 6 Home Learning Week 7, by Miss Houghton

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 12:16pm

Hi Year 6, 

Hope you are all keeping well. Here are next week's challenges for you to complete at home. This week's challenges have a 'Healthy Living' theme for you to think about. It even involves you designing your very own sports kit which we know lots of you will love! 

We have loved seeing lots of pictures of you all and hearing that you are all keeping safe so keep them coming! 

Keep safe, keep smiling and keep busy. 

Love from 

Miss Houghton & Mrs Parry 


Year 4 Home Learning Week 10, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 1:42pm

Year One Challenges Week 9, by Mrs Carroll

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 1:37pm

Year One Challenges   Week 9

English: This week we have a new book to look at. It’s a book by an author we already know…Julia Donaldson and the title is The Singing Mermaid. Read the book, if you have it at home, or find it online.

Make a list of the characters and choose two of them to describe, using lots of adjectives. Then think about the settings and choose one of them to describe too.

Maths: In our story, the circus toured for a whole year. So this week we will be thinking about time. Practice saying the days of the week and the months of the year. If your grown-up says a day or a month can you say what comes next or what comes before it? The year is split into 4 seasons and the names of them are in the book, can you find them? Now divide a piece of paper into 4 sections and label each one with a different season. Find out which months belong in each one and draw some of the things that happen eg leaves change colour, flowers start to grow, Father Christmas visits. Think about what you wear in the different seasons too. See if you can find out how many days are in one week,  how many weeks are in one month and how many months are in one year. How many days are there in one year and is that number always the same? If not, then why? Which month sometimes has an extra day? Find out which month your birthday is in and count how many months you have got to wait. Ask the people in your family when their birthdays are and work out the order in the year, starting from January. Whose birthday is first and whose is last?


Geography: In the story the mermaid liked to sit on the beach and sing. Think about going to the seaside eg New Brighton and imagine you are walking along the prom. Find out what the word prom is short for, and what the word means! Draw pictures of some of the things you might see eg café, fun fair, lighthouse and write labels for them. These things are all man-made features. Can you think of some things you might see at the seaside that are natural features? Write a list of both.


P.E. This week we would like you to join in the Cosmic Kids Yoga session about Mimi the Mermaid, which you can find on YouTube.


Have fun, enjoy the sunshine, and stay safe!

Year 3 Home Learning tasks week 9, by Mrs McAlynn

Date: 29th May 2020 @ 3:11pm

Hi Year 3!

What a beautiful sunny week we have had! We hope you have been able to enjoy it with your family.

Task 1: English

We hope that you have found lots of time for reading while school has been closed. This week we would like you to write a book review of either your favourite book or a new book that you have read at home over the past few weeks. We want to know about your favourite character, favourite part and why you would recommend the book to a friend.

Task 2: Science

We would like you to complete the following eggsperiment for your science learning this week! You will need an egg, some white vinegar and a glass.

*Place your egg in a glass and cover with white vinegar. Watch as the egg shell starts to bubble and write an observation of what you can see.

*Keep checking your egg for the next 24-48 hours- what changes can you record? What does your egg look like after 48 hours? We would love to see photos and videos!

Task 3: Design and Technology

Last week we asked you to research Parkgate and hopefully you found out that it used to be an important shipping port and then a popular seaside resort. We want you to imagine that the Council are turning Parkgate back in to a seaside resort for family holidays. Can you create a labelled design of your ideal seaside resort, including all the attraction you would like to see, for example, funfair, donkey rides, watersports etc.

Please share your learning with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages: we love seeing all the things that you are getting up to!

Take care, Mrs McAlynn and Mr Woodland

Year 2 Home Learning Week 9, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 28th May 2020 @ 8:10pm

Student Login