Our blogs

F2B - Christmas Week 2020, by Miss Kealey

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 4:50pm

F2B have had a fantastic Christmas week. The children worked very hard to prepare for their party. They made placemats, party hats, decorations and so much more. The party was lots of fun - we even got a sneaky visit from Santa!

We ended our week by joining in with a whole school virtual Nativity story. The children made some lovely angel decorations. 

We hope you have a lovely Christmas break and wish you all a very merry Christmas. From Miss Kealey and Miss Topping

Christmas Singalong 2020, by Mrs Harris

Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 6:14pm

This year has been unprecedented and not like any other we have known.

Looking back we can smile at the many ways in which we all joined together as a community when we were told to stay apart!!

Many of our children clapped for carers and the NHS, walked alongside Captain Tom and brought happinness to their extended families from their doorsteps.

School has been a very different place and our children have surprised us all with their willingness to adapt to new routines including social distancing, extra hand washing and sanitising and keeping each other as safe as possible.  

We do hope that you can look back on 2020 and take joy from these simple actions.


As you know, we have not been able to enjoy the usual Christmas celebrations in school this year.....no pantomime or Christmas performances.............however............we have joined in The Alzheimer's Society Elf Day, Anti-Bullying Week with odd socks, Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day, had TWO Christmas Lunch days, enjoyed a class bubble Christmas Party and received a visit from Father Christmas smiley

Tomorrow children will listen to The Nativity Story before we break for Christmas holidays.


OOOOOPS, almost forgot!!  We also had a CHRISTMAS SINGALONG in our class bubble.....ENJOY!!


Merseyside Police - Urgent Letter to Father Christmas, by Mrs Harris

Date: 15th Dec 2020 @ 9:49pm


Please click the link below to hear Merseyside Police Chief Constable Andy Cooke's very important announcement 





Children and families!!
We have received a very important letter from the Chief Constable of Merseyside Police.......

Year 2 - Pottery Lesson, by Mrs Harris

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 3:50pm

You are the artist of your life!!  smiley
Year 2 children were very busy yesterday making some special pottery - we cannot wait to see the finished product 

F2B - Elf Day, by Miss Kealey

Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 4:21pm

F2B have had lots of fun celebrating 'Elf Day' today. The children loved dressing up as elves and they even spotted some little elves hiding around the playground. Thank you so much for your donations!

F2A - Elf Day, by Miss Ward

Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 4:19pm

F2A have had lots of fun celebrating 'Elf Day' today. Thank you to all the parents/carers for helping raise so much money for the Alzheimer's Society today! 

Time Table Rock Star Battle, by Miss Welsh

Date: 23rd Nov 2020 @ 10:02am

This week Year 5 can take part in our very first Times table Rock star battle. The tournament starts on the 23rd of November and will ends on the 4th of December. It’s a very special event and just for our Year 5’s. It would be great to see everyone log on and participate.


Come on let’s all log on, join in and have fun being a TT Rock star!

Anti-bullying week, by Mrs Schultz

Date: 18th Nov 2020 @ 1:04pm

This week the whole school have been celebrating our differences with an 'odd socks' week. In Year 1, we have watched an assembly about bullying and made posters to persuade people to be kind to others. It has been great to see lots of children participating, and wearing their odd socks every day! Let's keep it going for the rest of the week!

F2A Autumn Walk, by Miss Ward

Date: 17th Nov 2020 @ 4:34pm

Today we went on a nature walk outside to look for signs of Autumn. We collected some leaves and other autumnal objects for us to look at more closely back in class. We had so much fun playing in the leaves! 

F2B - Autumn Walk, by Miss Kealey

Date: 17th Nov 2020 @ 4:32pm

Today the children enjoyed going on an Autumn nature walk around our playground. We talked about all the changes we see during Autumn. 

F2B - Children in Need, by Miss Kealey

Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 4:37pm

We have had a brilliant day fundraising for Children in Need! 



F2A - Children in Need, by Miss Ward

Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 4:33pm

F2A have all had a lovely day fundraising for Children in Need! 

Year 1 Spellings 28/09/20, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 28th Sep 2020 @ 2:52pm

Please find attached the Year 1 Spellings for this week!

Good luck!


F2 - Thematic Photographs, by Miss Ward

Date: 21st Sep 2020 @ 6:49pm

Dear Parents and Carers,

Next week in our Thematic work, our topic is ‘What do you know about me?’. Within this topic the children will be looking at how they have changed since they were a baby/toddler to them now. To support this topic we would like a photograph of your child as a baby or toddler so we can use them within our work.

As we are unable to ask you to bring the photos in to school, we are asking for you to email them to us and we can print them for your child to use within their thematic work.

Please could you email your photos to [email protected] by Friday 25th September and put the subject of the email as your child’s name. This email address is only for sending photographs and any other communication should be passed through the school office.

Miss Ward and Miss Kealey

Year 1 Spellings 21/09/20, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 21st Sep 2020 @ 2:27pm

Here are Year 1's spellings for the week beginning 21/09/20!

Year 1 Spellings 14/09/20, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 14th Sep 2020 @ 7:16pm

Attached are this week's spellings for Year 1!

Good luck!

Year 1 Edible Garden, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 10th Sep 2020 @ 4:41pm

Our Science topic this half term is all about plants! Today Year 1 went on a plant hunt in the school's edible garden and investigated what plants we could spot!

We had a great time exploring the garden and finding the fruits and vegetables that are growing in there!

Mr Chamberlain & Miss Dunlop

Year 1 History Photos, by Mr Chamberlain

Date: 9th Sep 2020 @ 8:58pm

Hello Year 1 Parents and Carers!

As your child begins the subject of History this year, our first topic for this half-term is ‘My History’, where the children will be looking back at their life and making a timeline.

To support this topic, we would like 2 photos of your child, one as a baby and one as a toddler (we can take the photos of them now!)

As we are unable to ask you to bring the photos in to school, we are asking for you to email them to us and we can print them for your child to make their timeline in school.

Please could you email your photos to [email protected] by Friday 25th September. This email address is only for sending photos and any other communication should be passed through the school office.

Miss Dunlop and Mr Chamberlain

Year 6 Leavers 2020, by Miss Houghton

Date: 17th Jul 2020 @ 3:00pm

Hi Year 6, 

This really is the final goodbye... for now... 

We have made your leavers video which is attached below (there is a PowerPoint with a couple of embedded YouTube videos - click on the link to watch). There are a few little surprises for you in there which we think you will love and possibly have a good laugh at. 

You have been an amazing year group and we know that you all have sparkling futures ahead of you. Remember us when you are successful!!!!

Good Luck with High School and remember to let us know how you are getting on. 

Lots of Love 

Mrs Parry, Miss Houghton, Mrs Hayes, Miss Rylance & all the staff at Our Lady's 


Year One Challenges Week 14, by Mrs Carroll

Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 10:08pm


Hello Year One!

Can you believe this is the last time you will be called ‘Year One’? This is our final week before the summer holidays and when you come back to school in September you will be called ‘Year Two’. How grown-up is that?

This week we would like you to think back over your time in Year One and make a little booklet with these pages in it:

  • My Teachers in Year One
  • My Friends in Year One
  • My classroom looked like this….
  • My favourite lesson…
  • I was really good at…..
  • I had to try hard with….
  • I learned how to….
  • We went on a visit to….
  • In the Christmas Play I was…

Have a good think about each page and draw a picture and write a sentence or some words to go with it. It will be something nice for you to keep to remember your time in Year One.

Finally we would like you to think ahead to September and write a short letter to your new class teacher (whoever they may be! Hopefully you will find out very soon!) In the letter tell them as much as you can about yourself: your name , your age, your family, what you like to do, what you are good at, what you are looking forward to and also tell them anything you are a little bit worried about. Then draw them a fantastic picture of yourself. Make sure you send it to us here at school and we will pass your letter on to your new teacher so that they know all about you before you start in September.

Finally, can we just say that it was wonderful to work with you in Year One and we are so sorry that we haven’t seen you for so long and that we didn’t get to do all the lovely things we wanted to do this term. Have a lovely summer and good luck for September! Make sure you come and say ‘Hello’ to us, when you can.

Take care and stay safe,

Lots of love from all your teachers in Year One


Year 5 Home Learning Challenges Week 13, by Miss Welsh

Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 7:52pm

Hi Year 5,

Hope you are all well and still smiling. Hopefully the weather will start to get better soon! In the meantime, here are your new challenges. 

Don’t forget to keep sending in any work you have completed, it’s lovely to see what you have all been up to.


Take care

The Year 5 team


Year One Challenges Week 13, by Mrs Carroll

Date: 4th Jul 2020 @ 11:11pm

Year One Weekly Challenges.

Week 13


Hello Year 1! It has been lovely seeing lots of familiar faces this week but we are still missing our Year 1’s at home. Here are some tasks to keep you busy!

In school this week we have been finding out about SPACE!



We would like you to create your own planet! What would your planet look like? What would it be made of? Does anyone live on your planet? Remember to use lots of describing words. Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.


Keep looking at your phonics and your tricky words.



Please look at your number bonds to ten. If you feel confident with them move on to number bonds to 20. We played a number bond bingo game. Each person chose 4 numbers 0-10, I then called out a number e.g. 3 and they would have to match it with a 7 to make the correct number bond to 10. Have fun!


Could you order the planets in size?





While we were looking at the planets we learnt that many of the planets have moons. So we investigated and found out that the first man to walk on the moon was Neil Armstong along with his fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin.

How Long is a Day on the Moon? - Universe Today


We would like you to find out more about this amazing adventure, what year did they go to the moon, what was the rocket called, what did they leave on the moon?


Have fun with all your challenges.

Keep safe!

Mrs Fitzgerald, Ms Carney and Mrs Carroll.



F2 - Home Learning Week 14, by Miss Ward

Date: 2nd Jul 2020 @ 5:56pm

Hi Children,

We hope you have all had a lovely week! Please find the video attached of the story ‘The Snail and the Whale’ and here are some activities for you to complete based on the story!

  1. How many creatures can you see on each page? How many creatures are shown in the whole book?
  2. Find out about snails, whales and other creatures shown in the book. Where do they live? What do they eat?
  3. At the end of the story, the snail tells his friends all about his adventure. Can you write what he might have said to them? A speech bubble template is attatched below.
  4. Write your own story about two different creatures who go on a big adventure together? Where do they go? There is a comic strip template for you to use if you want to. E.g. could be a giraffe and a butterfly or an elephant and an ant.

Here is the link if you would like to watch The Snail and the Whale on BBC iplayer - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000cslw/the-snail-and-the-whale

Remember to keep practising writing your full name, the letters of the alphabet, numbers to 20 and reading your tricky words and sounds.

Keep sharing your work with schools Facebook Page! We love seeing the work you have done and your smiley faces!

Have fun and stay safe,
F2 Team x

Week 14 - Home Learning, by Miss Hanton-Wise

Date: 2nd Jul 2020 @ 11:44am

This week we want you to have a look at SPACERinged planet!



~imagine~ you are an alien visiting Earth... Can you write a diary entry describing your time on Earth. Where did you land? What did you do? Who did you meet? Did you enjoy yourself? Why? How did you get back?

Have a look at something exciting....What the NASA Space Telescope 'Hubble' saw on the day you were born! Click the link and find the Month and Day of your to see it! 



Have a go at re-creating your own


As the time is coming closer to you coming back to school, we would like to hear what you are looking forward to the most!


Double exclamation mark

Who can be the first to work out and send to Miss Wise or Miss Flynn

Double exclamation mark

: How many DAYS you have not spent in school since March 20th 2020. How many WEEKS you have not spent in school since March 20th 2020.

School satchel


Year 6 Home Learning Week 12, by Miss Houghton

Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 3:34pm

Hi Year 6, 

Hope you are all keeping well! It was lovely to see even more of you this week, we hope you have enjoyed your time back in school with us. 

Thank you for all the pictures that have been sent in this week you were all super cute. Please could you get pictures into us in the next week as we are currently making the leaving PowerPoint and don't want to leave anyone out!!

Watch the vlog for this week's challenges from myself and Mrs Parry. 

Keep well, Keep safe and keep smiling.

Love from 

Miss Houghton & Mrs Parry XX

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